The next industrial revolution will be robot-based (video)
Lately I’m receiving a lot of news related with this theme… Well, my dream is that one day, robots will take over the mundane jobs so we humans can focus on the important things....
Bringing Skynet to the masses
Lately I’m receiving a lot of news related with this theme… Well, my dream is that one day, robots will take over the mundane jobs so we humans can focus on the important things....
Very interesting concept. Of course if you know that it is a joint project between Harvard and MIT then you know it must be something cool! 😉 This one assembles itself and the...
Interesting little truck, and it seems they have been testing this kind of technology since a long time.
Some years ago, watching anime movies like “Ghost in the Shells” and the like, I dreamt I could be in one of those exoskeletons or even mech warriors… well… we are getting closer. I...
I came across this video that shows some of the bleeding edge Robotics and it is quite fascinating. If you have some time to spare, I recommend you bring some popcorn and watch it...