Tagged: drone

DHL will do delivery-by-drone, but only for one tiny European island 0

DHL will do delivery-by-drone, but only for one tiny European island

Amazing and beautiful at the same time! I think these guys have created a commercially viable and good-looking drone for their delivery services to remote locations. http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/2bd70505f6ffd255f4b2cc861d8722dd/200813540/dhl-paketkopter-juist-boden-630.jpg This technology is absolutely taking off, and...

Navy drone plays well with manned aircraft, caps it with a carrier landing 0

Navy drone plays well with manned aircraft, caps it with a carrier landing

Very exciting and scary at the same time… http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/31049ea4fd1f0583e4569030c227cdb7/200605408/navy-drone-tail-hook-2014-08-19-01.jpg Development is picking up the pace, I just hope it will be used for good. http://www.engadget.com/2014/08/19/x47-b-carrier-maneuvers/ What are your thoughts about this? Are you against...

DJI’s latest drone has a built-in air traffic controller 0

DJI’s latest drone has a built-in air traffic controller

http://cdn2.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/31231273/phantom-vision-2-plus1_2040.0_standard_640.0.jpg Seriously amazing, I want one! 🙂 http://vimeo.com/90986568 http://www.theverge.com/2014/4/6/5587852/dji-phantom-2-vision-plus-drone-quadrocopter-announced-price