Elon Musk is scared of killer robots
I have deep respect for Mr. Musk and all that he (and his band of engineers) have accomplished to date. He does seem a little bit worried though about advancements in AI and robotics...
Bringing Skynet to the masses
I have deep respect for Mr. Musk and all that he (and his band of engineers) have accomplished to date. He does seem a little bit worried though about advancements in AI and robotics...
The folks at MIT have been refining their ATLAS humanoid (Boston Dynamics/DARPA) to be able to drag around a metal pillar. Exciting, amazing and scary at the same time! Oh boy, we live in...
It is a very interesting talk that Rodney Brooks gave at TED in 2003 about Robots and the upcoming “revolution”. Check it out if you have some minutes to spare :: http://www.ted.com/talks/rodney_brooks_on_robots.html There has been...
Interesting little truck, and it seems they have been testing this kind of technology since a long time. http://www.engadget.com/2014/07/28/military-self-driving-vehicle/
http://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/assets/4310573/png_base64e7b2e28be74b0640.png Amazing really but I was expecting to read these news… Sometimes I wish I had a computer do the actual captcha solving for me 🙂 http://www.theverge.com/2014/4/16/5621538/google-algorithm-can-solve-recaptcha-almost-every-time