Pre Cognition Metaverse 2.1 Blog Ouch, that is very painful and damaging to their brand… Maybe it is about time to think of another way of doing things that makes going legitimate extremely enticing… Right! Interesting here that we have to develop tools to test the tools that we are developing. More and more we have the need to develop error free tools/robots/processes, as they become more intertwined... And that is where my idea differs completely from what they are offering, which is basically the same thing as openID. I want to always be in control of that information and have...
I am appalled on my day to day work by how antediluvian the so called “IT Processes” are in (most) modern “IT Companies”… The feeling that I have is that they stem from absolute...
Just wow! This what I am talking about; to create something that revolutionizes the paradigm and at the same time introduces many benefits as a side effect… Yeah!