Pre Cognition Metaverse 2.1 Blog
OMG yes! That would be pure insanity and a paradigm shift! Wow… 1Tb ram in my phone 🙂
I came across this video that shows some of the bleeding edge Robotics and it is quite fascinating. If you have some time to spare, I recommend you bring some popcorn and watch it...
Interesting and tried concept but it’s not quite what I would be developing soon… Why make everyone pay for a new expensive gizmo (300$ a pup) just to send texts…? My take on it...
Guys, this is exploding! I mean it’s a marketing video for now and he is not ubiquitous or autonomous, but I would sure love to have a “buddy” like him to help me take...
We’re getting there… Fast! These guys from Boston Dynamics are doing some amazing things!