ShinTo Kernel “KobayashiMaru” L22A05 for 6.0.1 UX

Welcome to the official public release of the ShinTo Kernel series.


Please always get the latest release from HERE

Why name the Kernel “ShinTo”?

To me it has the meaning of “Study of the Essence” (to achieve) “The Way of The Gods” as, to me, ShinTo Kernel is a way to learn and become an expert.
Also the name just sounds very “catchy” 🙂



Please don’t direct link the zip files.

If you would like to include ShinTo Kernel in your rom, you’re more than welcome; just give everyone credit and include as the site for ShinTo Kernel.


N9005 L22A05 #1536 for 6.0.1
N900T L22A05 #1536 for 6.0.1

Please report back if any of the below versions
boot & work correctly else I’ll remove them.

N900W8 L22A05 #1536 for 6.0.1 (FIXED! Thx Geragox!)
N900P L22A05 #1536 for 6.0.1 (IN TESTING!)
N900K L22A05 #1536 for 6.0.1 (TO BE FIXED!)
N900S L22A05 #1536 for 6.0.1 (TO BE FIXED!)


  • Please do note that the only version that has been tested by me (& beta testers in private forum) is the EUR N9005. The rest of versions are here as a courtesy.
  • There’s NO PUBLIC SUPPORT ANYMORE. If you have an issue or think that ShinTo Kernel is the reason your boss hates you, I URGE YOU TO UNINSTALL, install some other kernel and go bother them. Those in the private forum know the drill.


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111 Responses

  1. 12gage says:

    Holy sh#t, support for N900P, thank you CEKMTL!!!! As soon as I can try it out I will and report as bug if there are any, thanks again for your hard work.

    • CeKMTL says:

      Please let me know the outcome as I didn’t have anyone to help test these new variants.
      Thank you!

      • 12gage says:

        I will definitely, are there any recommended kernel settings or would you just recommend keep everything stock for the best performance/battery friendly blend?

        • CeKMTL says:

          Everything stock and forget about magical scripts & weird stuff.
          The point of precogov is to take care of all and adapt to the user’s behavior.

          • 12gage says:

            I just flashed the N900P and got stuck in a boot loop on the Note 3 splash screen, I wiped caches x3, ran a kernel cleaning script, installed. I tried with wiping caches again after install, and not wiping after, same result. Is there anything else I should try? Or maybe should have been more patient, will it eventually progress? Thanks in advance.

          • CeKMTL says:

            Nope, nothing you can do to make it work for now.
            Thank you for testing this version.
            Could you contact me over xda via DM if you have time to spare now?

          • 12gage says:

            definitely, anything I can do to help and optimize my ancient device 🙂 my user name is the same on XDA

  2. Mike B. says:

    Nice! Castilla may have had El Cid Campeador, but Barcelona has El Kik Kampeador! 😉 N900T version looks fine so far even though I still have the old NE6 BL and radio.

  3. Edier Gomez says:

    I want to try for the model n900W8, I can not download

  4. hur says:

    thank you …
    somehow it wont let me flash it :/ just throws me out if i swipe to flash …also ..any changelog?

    • CeKMTL says:

      So… First of all which model?
      And it’s weird that while in recovery you’re unable to flash the zip file…

      • hur says:

        i redonwloaded it and now it worked i dont know if i had a bad file

        modle is 9005

        thanks ….leaves me only with the question where can i see a changelog..if there is one


  5. TGSMM says:

    Thank you very much for the new version. Testing the N900T variant. Will report back with some feedback.

    • TGSMM says:

      Tried both new kernel variants. N900T had random reboots a couple of hours after installation and N9005 started to randomly reboot after a little bit over a day. Darklord and LSS kernel work fine for me on Phronesis v4.

  6. AndroidON says:

    Thanks for releasing kernel for n900k!

    But unfortunately, it does not boot :/

    My note 3 just loops on boot logo. Can’t even get in to boot animation.

    (boot screen -> screen off with one vibration -> boot screen -> screen off with one vibration -> loop)

    Tested on aryamod n7 v2 and aryamod s7e port.

    Anyway, thanks for your effort, and will look forward next version 😀

    • Ton says:

      Have you wait the phone to cool down, i had this problem at n9005 at previous released, that i need to put my phone in front of air con during boot to keep pgone temp cool

      • AndroidON says:

        I tried after keeping my phone in refrigerator but no luck.
        Maybe it’s not temperature related.

    • CeKMTL says:

      OK, will pull both out and look into it when I’ll have some free time.
      THX for reporting back.

  7. Ton says:

    Sir, here my temporary report after test this amazing kernel..
    1. Bootloop that i had when reboot device while device is warm/hot already GONE. Now i don’t need to worry about bootloop when reboot device, thanks sir. ^_^
    2. Hardwake and homeguard without AOD still working fine, but i noticed 1 thing that different from previous kernel released. Proximity sensor always blinked, even when screen on and operated the phone, proximity sensor always blinked. Never turn off.
    3. Hardwake and homeguard with AOD now working fine, i even can click notification icon at AOD screen, previous kernel did nothing when i clicked notification icon. But 1 small problem still exist, when i pressed home button while at home screen, it will open music app and turn off screen at sam time, so when i unlock the phone, already at music app screen.
    4. RGB adjusment at kernel auditor will revert to default setting when turn off and turn on screen again.

    That are my temporary report for this new kernel released, will tested it further. Thanks for your time and effort again sir, this kernel getting better and better…^_^

    • CeKMTL says:

      Thank you for your time and very detailed report; much appreciated!

      • Ton says:

        Sir, after tested it further, here are my report.
        1. At point 1 at my previous post, i said that it will not bootloop if i reboot device while it’s warm/hot. But if the phone too hot, after boot animation, process are too slow ( waiting lock screen to appear, slide lock screen also take long time to respond) as if locked at 300mHz.
        2. At point no 3 at my previous post, when AOD on, if i pressed home button while at home screen, it will open music app and phone standby (screen off) at same time. It will only happen when i enabled ‘homeguard’ feature. When i disabled homeguard, i don’t have that issue and home button worked as it supposed to be.

        Thanks sir,

        • CeKMTL says:

          Understood for the home button issue.
          As for the overheating issue, the phone will aggressively throttle when temperature is too high and this should happen when cleaning dalvik & booting as the system will recreate every single app you have installed (actually it recompiles the app) so if you have a ton of apps you will hit the thermal limit sooner.

          Hope this makes sense.
          Thank you.

          • Ton says:

            Thanks for your reply sir.
            So when it reach thermal limit, it will lock proc at 300mhz?

            So today after i played my Mortal kombat X game, i restart phone for testing kernel purposed only to check if it will boot normally or not when phone is hot, then i found that respond was very slow ( no clear cache, only restart phone).

            Is there any different between L22A04 and L22A05 in terms of thermal control? Since i got bootloop with with L22A04 and i don’t have bootloop with L22A05 but phone get slow (like proc locked at 300mhz) if restart while phone is hot.

            Can we increase thermal limit? Because other kernel boot normally even phone is hot. (Just for your infromation only …^_^)

            Thanks sir

          • CeKMTL says:

            Precogov’s thermal control never locks the core at 300 but instead uses an alternating high low frequency until the core goes back to below thermal soft trip.

            On boot the system usually boots 4 cores at max speed until more or less the system calms down or when high temperature is reached.

            Nevertheless I will try to replicate your setup and see what is going on when I’ll have some spare time.

        • CeKMTL says:

          Bug in point number 2 is fixed now and will be included in next version (L22A06)

          • Ton says:

            Woow, that’s fast sir.
            And Thank you very much for the explanation.
            Hope you always have a great day.

          • CeKMTL says:

            You too thank you very much for your patience and kindness and keep the bug reports coming; I’ll try my best to set free time aside to fix them.

  8. muzli1 says:

    Where this n9005 variant??

  9. muzli1 says:

    Sorry again. I see that n9005. Thank. i will report back.

  10. Shinto says:

    Sir , kernel N900S no boot on my device N900S .

  11. Richard says:

    Both N900K and N900S does not boot.

  12. muzli1 says:

    N9005 same bug. Cant sender pic on whatsapp. But nevermine. I will try your solution that. Regards.

    • Ton says:

      Whatsapp picture sharing issue already solved by following guide at point no 5 in L22A04 post.
      I have no problem with whatsapp since i followed that guide.

  13. relly says:

    Thanks for this kernel i use PN7 v4 no bootloop its working…
    But i have a question how to use double tap to wake?

  14. Ernesto Sánchez says:

    Reporting here good Sir., I’ve just flashed N9005 05 ver. on my N900P everything went as expected no reboot, no getting stuck at Samsung logo, GPS works as in 04 ver. , no heat issues, sharing stayed the same since I only flashed the new on top of the old, the only thing is the battery drain it went down 7% in less than 10 min. Will stick to it since it’s the only solution to me for the GPS. Thanks Dev, very much appreciated your work!!! As soon I’m able to will drop off a little something for a couple of beers

    • Ernesto Sánchez says:

      BTW I’m on phronesis N7 v4

    • CeKMTL says:

      7% in 10 minutes?… Some process must be stuck and probably pinning a core at top speed as that shouldn’t happen… Actually it should be more battery friendly than 04 or at least it was on my two N9005 test devices with pvs1 & pvs3…

      • Leonardo Gorayeb says:

        Mr. Cek, when you say “more battery friendly than 04” you mean that 05 have less gaming performance than 04?

    • CeKMTL says:

      I’m just guessing here but by any chance did you modify the minimum frequency to anything other than 300Mhz?
      If so please revert back to the lowest 300Mhz

  15. Carmine says:


    Hi Carlos,
    as you say i’m on N9005 too and i current test the ShinTo A05, at moment my little “issue” is just one random reboot in all day.
    I want to ask you if possible to say:
    – What is the modification that you’ve apply in the new release ? Is just to understant if the UNTESTED/HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL can be transform in stable version with all fix or modify maked applied or return back to old setting that is the best.
    Regarding the Drain of Battery i no have any problem…phone going in deepsleep and all is ok, sure if AOD enable no deepsleep and battery drain.
    Question about synapse, are you the dev of that app? As you say in the future you can apply more setting in it or it still the same as it is?

    Sorry for lot question, but as you say i really love this Kernel and is alghoritm implement!


  16. relly says:

    Thankyou Ton… its work..

    CEKMTL thanks for this kernel…

    Same issue i use my phone 100% in 48min my battery is 76% this is normal? Or not? And what can i do?

  17. Ghost says:

    Is there any chance for F2FS suport?

  18. Zhobotero69 says:

    Hi cek, just want to report there is a delay when turning off the torch, im on phronesis v4. Just flash your work by now, all i can say is, im missing your precog gov.. lemme just run this until the last juice and gonna report back if i encounter some problem.. thank you

    • Mike B. says:

      PreCog is what L22A05 uses. You no longer need to specify a governor or tweak the CPU settings. Unless you’re absolutely positive you know what you’re doing, it’s best to stay away from Synapse (and Adiutor) for now since the default configuration is rock solid. No delay here at all turning off the torch under Phronesis 4.

      • Zhobotero69 says:

        sorry mate, i didnt see clearly that there is no option to change governor at synapse, i got mistaken by the multicore power saving. Weird coz i got delay on the icon toggle and the torch notification not the light itself. I just flash this by now over darklord v1 as i dont have delay on torch on darklord. Again sorry for my mistake.

        • hur says:

          i got that delay too

        • rmi says:

          delay confirmed, phronesis 4.0


          It sounds like the autofocus/stabilisation is triggered when activating torch via dropdown menu.

          This might be due to ROM implementation of this feature. 3rd party apps do. not trigger this, even my scriot to remap it)(flashlight, not using the rom implementation ) to the power button does not trogger any focus sound / or camera initialisation.

          I guess it’s the rom implementation.

  19. Satrv99 says:

    Any support for N900V?

  20. Dakemin22 says:

    The kernel is smooth but im having one major issue and i haven’t heard anyone say anything so maybe there not using it but when i play a movie from any dlna app to play on my smart tv and turn the screen off the hardware home button freezes or takes several tries to come on.. Somtetimes the phone reboots.. Has anyone experienced this as well or no a fix.?

  21. JK says:

    CeKMTL, i tested 04 and 05 on my N9005 note 3, but i have a problem booting it. The device started at bootloader screen, then it turned black and not booting. Could it be my device problem? I tried to calm down my device without heat, and re-tried. Result was same. Can you give me clue how to make it boot?

    I know some users are working fine 🙁

    • JK says:

      Hi CeKMTL, i would like to update my trials status. I tried hard to boot the device. Finally i got it booted successfully. I don’t know why. However, if i restart the device it get bootlooping again and screen off (turned off) sometimes. I plug-in the usb charging cable. The device is able to charge, when i unplugged it, the charging animation is still remain until like 10 secs then the screen is off. I need to try few times of reboots, and if i ‘m lucky i’ll be able to boot up. I don’t try to off my device now, as i afraid it won’t boot for next turn off.

      Besides that, i always see the green screen at success boot up – “Android is upgrading”. Does that mean i encountered softbrick on the software? Or is it hint on the boot difficulty? i tried to check the init.d folders, i only have 3 audio related script and 1 supersu daemon script.

      I also check the system storage, it appears i still have system space.
      I also updated the modem and bootloader to the latest version.
      BTW, i’m on AryaMod N7 rom.

      Please help me to rule out the possible root cause of the boot loops. Do let me know if you need any log files. Thanks in advance

  22. tmnut says:

    I ‘m facing some screen & device lagging issue (even pulling down the notification) when in navigation mode using Google Maps.

    Anyone can confirm this?

  23. tmnut says:

    I also noticed that the device becomes quite lagging when the usage of ram more than 80%.

  24. kopitalk says:

    Those having bootloop or random reboot, pls ensure that you get rid of the old kernel leftovers, and pls don’t use kernel adiutor or the likes. Great work as usual, Carlos! I’m on AryaMod N7 v2.1 and I can say it’s rocking good with this kernel.

    • CeKMTL says:

      You give perfect sound advice; hope ppl will listen and stop trying to outsmart PrecoGOV but changing all settings there…

  25. rjduraocosta says:

    Hello, has anyone tested in n9005 aryamod S7 Port?

  26. Mickeypt says:

    Hola my friend, first thx alot for this kernel, and the oportunity to test it too. Now I’m using Aryamod n7 port v2.1, I decided I’d give shinto a go. I don’t have much to say about it yet, simply because I haven’t been ablle to even boot the device with it… well it booted the first time, but as I was trying to fix the permission error in whattapp it rebooted, and then after that everytime I enter the pin after a reboot it just shuts down, no error noting is displayed at all… the phone just turns off….
    Any idea what could be causing this? can I help you in any way?

    • Mickeypt says:

      So I got it to boot and hold… dispite being terribly slugish it is working… I hink it had to do with some xposed module… I was able to stop xposed and it booted… go figure…

  27. Z483 says:

    v05 Random reboot on n9005.. And today i got screen suddenly freeze once. Happen on normal_saving mode. Without any modification cpu or init.d.

    On v04 i dont having any issue.
    Just want to report to u sir.

  28. Kot says:

    No problem here n9005 hlte

  29. big-R says:

    Not even the slightest problem on n9005 w/ Phronesis ROM. Thank you for your work!

  30. Gabriel says:

    Please try an work on the temperature my phone gets hotter than it use do doing common task

    • CeKMTL says:

      Remove all init.d scripts, uninstall kernel adiutor, remove xposed, flash cleaning script, flash ShinTo Kernel and don’t flash weird stuff & you should be fine.
      If not flash another kernel or wait for L22A06
      Good luck.

      • Yumiko87 says:

        This is my experience on this kernel:
        Before i come to shinto i was in lss . I faced bootloop at first when flashing shinto. After my setup i able to boot into the screen and look back my setup. I found out its give me laggy and some random reboot. I go to auditor and see what happening. What i found its the kernel is still using my lss configuration. After that i flash the cleaning kernel script suggest by you and reboot to see if any difference. Hoorays, it give me no laggy and no more reboots since my auditor is using precog configuration. Thx for your suggestion to use the kernel cleaning script and i believe to those having issues you might try it.
        And please dont tweak the settings in sympnase etc power saving part. You might get laggy if you do so.

  31. Gabriel says:

    Please try an work on the temperature my phone gets hotter than it use do doing common tasks

  32. hur says:

    gallery bug might be the worst thing about this kernel

  33. Mike B. says:

    What kernel-related “gallery bug” would that be?

    • mrc says:

      Bug: Images cannot be shared in whatsapp or instagram. Access violation.

      *Rename DCIM folder on storage to DCIM_old,
      *take a picture with your cam,
      *move contents of DCIM_OLD to newly created DCIM folder (when you took the pic)

      Was posted somewhere, I don’t remember.

  34. robert says:

    may I know the difference of L22A04 to L22A05? because L22A04 for me is perfectly fine. TIA.

    • hur says:

      i also asked for a changelog, but no answer. seems like a secret ..i dont know

      • CeKMTL says:

        Yes, my fault, I am hammered with work and not so organized with writing changelogs…
        Will write one for the next public update whenever that drops.

  35. Ahmad says:

    You are awesome man

  36. hur says:

    when update with gallery premission fix pls?
    and maybe add some fix for random reboots

    • Mike B. says:

      You do remember that this is a FREE and UNSUPPORTED generous contribution by Carlos, right? If you search this site (or ask Google) you’ll see a quick solution for the gallery permission annoyance (not really a kernel issue) that some users experience. Hint: just recreate the directories your gallery uses to store pics. Furthermore, even if this were a support forum, it would be impossible for anyone to address your “random reboots” query since you give absolutely no details on which device, which ROM, which log entries, etc. As you can see from his tweeter feed, Carlos is actively working on L22A06. If/when he chooses to release it, make sure to give it a try and thank him!

      • hur says:

        why are u so offended? it’s this weird xda behavoir u doing right here. U acting like asking polite for a update, is about the same level of offensive as if i forced him to work faster…the heck is wrong with you?
        this hyper senstive people around the internet getting annoying lately.

        the Gallery Bug is clearly a Kernel bug if you like it or not should be fixed ..if he does it…it’s up to him.

        Also random reboots are reported like a million times by diffrent user. So watching there logs might also fix my problem.

        dry your tears Mike B. I only asked when a new update is coming.

  37. hur says:

    werd ich, bitte.

  38. Yumiko87 says:

    Mr.hur are you really give a hard try on this 05 kernel?
    I wonder how you gonna lives with other kernel if you have this baby wrongly with your device. As mentioned from beginning by Carlos clean everything before you applied kernel. That’s will be a needs for those facing issues. For gallery bug just follow the instruction by once and you can get solved and use tons of times without any issues. Please do check back your setup before come and judge on this..


  39. Dr.Amr says:

    Pls support MIUI 8 ROOms for note 3 . It’s fantastic One.


    • CeKMTL says:

      I’ve got a Spanish user & now beta tester that has done the adaptation to run ShinTo Kernel on MIUI so I might release that in the near future (but I can’t promise anything right now).

  40. Gobilam says:

    What is the exact date for 06 shinto kernel for N9005 N7 port? i cant wait im so excited 🙂

  41. Z483 says:

    I tried lss 3.8, almost one week. Still cannot beat shinto kernel on battery consumption.
    I revert back lss3.8 to shinto.
    This kernel may not perfect, but its better than others.
    What amazing work u do.
    Keep it up ur hard work. 🙂

    • CeKMTL says:

      Your words give me hope as you must be of a few select that reads instructions and knows how to run ShinTo Kernel in pure mode without trying to fight it with (stupid) scripts or trying to change settings with apps like Kernel Adiutor…
      I get blamed for a lot of things that are not ture so that’s one of the many reasons I’m always reluctant to publish publicly and choose to do it privately.

      • Ton says:

        Don’t feel down sir.
        Some peoples are stupid enough to think that this kernel is your responsibility to provide for them.

        Some peoples are also smart enough to think that you do this for free, and do their best to provide feedback.also know that you have your main job for living, so they will wait patietly for next released.

        Hope you will keep your hard work for this kernel and never bored to share it with us..^_^

  42. erniesan82 says:

    Hello Mr. Carlos is there a chance I could give it a try to the n900p variant of the kernel??? thanks in advance, my nick is the same as in xda for contact, Awesome work!!!

  43. ABRAHAM says: