ShinTo Kernel “KobayashiMaru” L22A04 for 6.0.1 UX

Welcome to the official public release of the ShinTo Kernel series.


Please always get the latest release from HERE

Why name the Kernel “ShinTo”?

To me it has the meaning of “Study of the Essence” (to achieve) “The Way of The Gods” as, to me, ShinTo Kernel is a way to learn and become an expert.
Also the name just sounds very “catchy” 🙂



Please don’t direct link the zip file.

If you would like to include ShinTo Kernel in your rom, you’re more than welcome; just give everyone credit and include as the site for ShinTo Kernel.


N9005 L22A04 #1535 for 6.0.1 (TEST VERSION)
N900T L22A04 #1535 for 6.0.1 (TEST VERSION)

  1. Please note that this is a TEST VERSION as I haven’t tested much of it.
  2. I thought everyone should be on the latest available Linux Kernel 3.4.113 that should patch the DirtyCow vulnerability among other things.
  3. Improved PrecoGOV algorithms to save even more battery while in AOD mode.
  4. I’ve also removed the “AOD fix” as I’m tired of ppl nagging me about the “AOD wakelock”… AOD WILL DRAIN YOUR BATTERY BECAUSE AOD KEEPS THE PHONE AWAKE… repeat after me “AOD equals phone always awake equals battery drain“.
    I myself get about 2%/hour battery drain with that aod gimmick thing for testing purposes (I would never let my AMOLED screen on for so many hours as it has a finite lifespan)…
  5. About the gallery sharing, screenshot problem, etc… it’s a permission problem and the way to fix it is to let the rom recreate the /sdcard/DCIM/xxx folder structure.
    To do so, rename /sdcard/DCIM to /sdcard/DCIM_OLD, take a screenshot, take a picture/video and then COPY your media from /sdcard/DCIM_OLD/xxx to /sdcard/DCIM/xxx and the drama is over…
  6. I don’t have an S-View cover & no one sends me logs/info so I can’t troubleshoot that.


  • There’s NO PUBLIC SUPPORT ANYMORE. If you have an issue or think that ShinTo Kernel is the reason your boss hates you, I URGE YOU TO UNINSTALL, install some other kernel and go bother them. Those in the private forum know the drill.


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74 Responses

  1. Leonardo Gorayeb says:

    The item 5 will also solve the solution of video playing from whatsapp?

    • CeKMTL says:

      Yes it should. (I have no issues at all so…)

      • tmnut says:

        Tq for your great kernel.
        I hv a question abt Item 5 issue.
        We need to do this every time we reflash the kernel? Or just once?


        • CeKMTL says:

          Just once if you have issues.

          • Leonardo Gorayeb says:

            Sir @CeKMTL, the issue that I was meaning is that all videos downloaded from whatsapp gives an error when I try to play them, it never happened with other kernels. I’m not complaining your work, Shinto is a masterpiece and it’s the best kernel on the balance of battery&performance thing… the gaming performance got a little better comparing to L22A03.
            I don’t know if the videos downloaded from whatsapp error is rom or kernel related. I’m on Phronesis V4

          • Ton says:

            I already tried sent videos from my wife phone thru Whatsapp, i can play it well. No problems at all after i did point 5 at your post sir.
            I had that problem with Kernel L22A03 before.

          • CeKMTL says:

            Glad it worked for you and sorry for the inconvenience.

          • tmnut says:

            Tested for a day.
            The kernel is stable, no random reboot, but just a few occasions of screen blinkering.
            And the smart view doesnt work.
            It works well with other kernels on Phronesis N7 v4.


          • CeKMTL says:

            Smart view issue already mentioned in post.
            You shouldn’t have any blinking issues with V4 of phronesis as they fixed it on their side.

          • tmnut says:

            Oh, it’s not s-view.
            It’s smart view, whic streaming phone to samsung/other smart TV.

            As for the blinking, in my case, the screen sometimes goes flashing on certain part of the screen.

  2. Mike B says:

    Agreed, AOD is an evil thing. If, instead of full AOD, you only want a night clock, I suggest the FREE “Always On AMOLED” (BETA) app from the play store at Set it so that it’s only active when the phone is charging, assuming you charge your phone at night. No battery drain and it won’t hurt the screen.

    • CeKMTL says:

      Yes that is a brilliant and logical thing to do…
      I’ve even read some ppl wanting aod to be even brighter so they can read it outside during the day…

  3. Ton says:

    Sir, i already test your new kernel. Just want to feedback / report.
    1. Whatsapp sharing issue gone, tested for screenshot and picture.
    2. Device will reboot when reach samsung boot animation and then power off if i do reboot when device is warm. But if i played games or browsing and device get warm, phone is ok as long i not reboot it.
    3. When AOD on, proximity check not there when i double tap screen or press home button. So screen will turn on eventhough i blocked the proximity sensor.
    4. When i turn off AOD, proximity check during double tap or home button pressed still not there until i reboot the phone then it will work.
    That’s my report for the moment, will test it further..^_^

    Can you add screen adjustment i synapse sir? Because my screen yellowish, so i want to adjust RGB combination to make whiter.
    I’m using n9005 phone.
    Thx for your time and effort to this great kernel.

    • CeKMTL says:

      Hummm… Weird as HardWake is working well with Phronesis V4…
      Did it ever work for you before or is it just with this version and with what rom?
      I think you could do the rgb adjustments with kernel adiutor if I remember correctly…

      You’re welcome.

      • Ton says:

        Hardwake is working fine sir, as long i’m not turning on AOD. If AOD off, when i double tap screen, i can see proximity sensor on for a while. But if AOD on, when i double tap screen, proximity sensor not on so screen will turn on eventhough i blocked proximity sensor.

        I’m using ph v4 too, this happen in kernel version L22A03 and L22A04. I’m not using AOD thou, so it’s ok, just want to report only.

        I already tried rgb adjustment with kernel auditor modded version from xda, when i adjust rgb, it worked but when i turn off screen then turn on again, rgb adjustment back to default again.

  4. Sidiahmed says:

    nn playing vidéo whatssap plz fix plz plz plz

  5. muzliamir says:

    Will be test that on n9005

  6. Calvin says:

    thanks for sharing your efforts bro.

  7. Steven says:


    Can you add support for hlteskt & hltektt which is Samsung Galaxy Note 3 LTE-A?

  8. Rob says:

    Add support for hlteskt please!

  9. Rap4eg says:

    Hello, the developer huge respect! For the first time use note 3 9005(android 4, 5, 6 and different cores) earned full NOT original case s-view. Now you do not need to reconnect it after every restart.

  10. Johnson says:

    Would love to use this on N900K which is hlteskt! do add support to N900K

  11. TGSMM says:

    Thank you for the new version. Testing for a day and I still have the random reboots once in a while using Phronesis v4 on N900T. The reboots happen after waking phone.

    • CeKMTL says:

      Could you please test the same but with the N9005 version and report back if you have the same problem?

      • Leonardo Gorayeb says:

        I’m using Shinto on my N9005 for +1 Day and so far no random reboots happened. I’m on Phronesis V4 rom.

      • muzliamir says:

        Im use on variant n9005. FOr now no random reboot. Its perfect work . for sharing any pic to forum or any site sosial its work fine for me. But one bug i found. That its cant again sender pic on whatsapp. Im dont understand your talking to change or rename some folder about screenshot.

      • TGSMM says:

        Yes of course. Thanks for the recommendation. Will test and report back.

        • TGSMM says:

          The N9005 version runs without reboot so far on my Note 3 N900T. So it looks like something in the N900T Kernel version is causing the reboots.

  12. emasry266 says:

    i tested kernel for a day but aod not stable i flashed the shinto kernel after use kernel kleaner

  13. Carmine says:

    Hi Carlos,
    i’m on N9005 variant and it seems all ok until now, no random reboot or other issue.
    About synapse, there is here or in another place a little guide in order to use it with better value set?

    Thanks in advance.

    • CeKMTL says:

      Good to know, thank you for your time Carmine.
      Don’t have any specific guides as I tried to make the public version of ShinTo Kernel as simple and “plug n play” as possible.

  14. Carmine says:

    i’m agree with you to make it as possible “plug n play” , my quest is just to understand better all setting…specially that for CPU frequency , sound control etc etc.
    Thanks anyway for the new release L22A04 , from my side, at moment is the best kernel to use with phronesis V4.

  15. Z483 says:

    Hi. Great kernel.
    But i notice some little bugs.
    When enabled shinto ultrabright and ultradark,
    it works reverse way. I mean, when phone on very dark, the screen will super bright, when the phone on bright place, the sreen will became dim/darker.
    Normally it suppose to be very bright on brightday.
    So i disable ultrabright and ultradark.
    Anything else is great.
    Thanks for hard work sir. Sorry my english is bad.

    • CeKMTL says:

      Hummm…. That’s weird… Will have to check it when I’ll have some time and if it’s broken I’ll fix it for next release.
      Thank you for your time and for reporting it.

      • CeKMTL says:

        So… I checked just now and it works as it’s supposed to… ?!?!
        My test was with stock vanilla Phronesis V4 and nothing else added.

  16. Z483 says:

    I dont know, maybe my phone messed up because so many customization. But ur kernel is very good. I love synapse. Synapse app is better than kernel adiutor, because KA is so complicated to set up, to many variable, unlike synapse, its very simple and easy to use.
    Take ur time sir. 🙂

  17. Leonardo Gorayeb says:

    I’m using Shinto on my N9005 with Phronesis V4 for 4 days straight and so far no random reboots, AOD is working fine for me and the only bug that I noticed is that when AOD is on and HardWake is enabled, after some wakeups the phone gets too laggy, the solution that I found is that I had to reboot the phone for the lag disappear, but after some wakeups the phone gets too laggy again. So I decided to disable HardWake and the lag instantly disappeared and now after 4 days that I did that the phone works normally.

  18. Emasry266 says:

    I tested kernel on aurora3 but aod not stable

  19. Sidiahmed says:

    Is the issue Tabet I am very impressed with this kernel, but he does not hold a major player in the video

  20. Ernesto Sánchez says:

    Hi there good sir, is it just for the N9005 and N900T??? Or can hltespr be supported???

  21. AndroidON says:

    Waiting for N900K support..:D

  22. Shinto says:

    Plz sir make shinto kernel for n900s

  23. rudyhart says:

    N900s please… i would love to use it

  24. Logel says:

    Please make kernel for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N900K

  25. oluwaponmile says:

    Users want support for SM-N900K

    • CeKMTL says:

      Amazing rom, thank you for dropping by @oluwaponmile & @Logel.

      As for the other Note3 models, I’ll look into it but I can’t promise anything as I’m currently very busy with work & projects…
      BTW, this Saturday should be release day or at least that’s my plan lol!

      • Carmine says:

        Hi Carlos, as you’ve see there is a lot of user that want your Kernel improved and supported.
        For me is actually the best kernel that i’ve tested with Phronesis rom V.4 (Thanks oluwaponmile, Logel and Filchi756 for rom), so please don’t give up with this project!
        Try to improve algoritm in your kernel in your free time, can’t wait for test it in version stable.

        Good Job and Thanks!

  26. LukF15 says:

    Audio with this kernel is pretty low. Has anybody had this problem?

  27. muzli1 says:

    Waiting a new release again.

  28. Ernesto Sánchez says:

    Hello Sir, I’ve noticed that images in the download folder saved from Chrome downloads have the sharing issue, I had to move it to the new DCIM folder in order to be able to share it from another app, it’s there a fix around similar to the one in #5?

    • Ernesto Sánchez says:

      By the way forgot to mention it’s an amazing work, I’m a N900P user and the N9005 kernel works in my device pretty well, I’m still in testing period and can’t tell if I do have an issue with battery draining a bit faster even on aggressive mode, thanks though, cause the GPS works without problem with your kernel on phronesis N7 v4.

    • Spacerat1 says:

      Same solution.
      Rename the Download Folder.
      Download a picture.
      Move all pictures from the old download folder to the new one.

  29. Z483 says:

    Take ur time sir.
    I rather waiting long time to have perfect kernel, than having a quick updates but many bugs.

  30. hur says:

    i had some reboots with this kernel ..i want to come back to it …i dont know what caused it, i an wating for new realse to give it another try

  31. hur says:

    :/ i guess that makes it longer than 24h

    good luck with ya work mate
    dont stress ya self to much