[RELEASE] ShinTo Kernel “NewBorn” L09A07 for LP


Without the hard work of everyone here (hope I don’t forget anyone!) ShinTo would not exist, so sincerest thank you to all of you that inspire countless people to follow your path!

– yank555 (many cool enhancements & Great GitHub!!)
– wootever
– faux123 (also many cool enhancements & Great GitHub!!)
– myfluxi (amazing github with loads of patches!)
– Andreilux (Synapse app.)
– Civato for all kernel, Synapse & installer work!
– FrozenCow (DriveDroid Patch + App).
– CodeAurora contributors (too many great ppl contributing patches & enhancements).
– Imoseyon.
– UpInTheAir.
– CI3Kener.
– Dorimanx.
– Showp1984.
– Neobuddy89.
– Megaflop666. (Amazing help & Beta Tester; he is everywhere! …superpowers?)
– carva74K. (Great beta tester from htcmania, GRACIAS!)
– Angelo. (Ossom enthusiam and help, THX!)
– Yoann. (Great beta tester & a pioneer!)
– All the great guys from “ShinTo Kernel” CLOSED THREAD at xda
– All the great guys from “ShinTo Kernel” thread at HTCMANIA 🙂
– Other great people all around the world that contribute Linux Kernel Patches!

Everyone else I might have forgotten, please let me know and I’ll update the post! 😉


Although I have been running this version of the kernel as my daily driver and I test everything in real life, I take no responsibility if the phone has an issue, scares your cat, drops the job interview call of your life or makes you fight with your neighbor 😉



Please don’t direct link the zip file.

If you would like to include ShinTo Kernel in your rom, you’re more than welcome; just give everyone credit and include PreCog.me as the site for ShinTo Kernel.

I really hope you enjoy ShinTo Kernel (as I have been), and I would advise you to subscribe to PreCog.me for more goodies to come (specialized software, articles, diy, news, etc)

If you ever manage to read this, I would like to thank you for your visit and let you know that THIS IS THE LAST/FINAL PUBLIC RELEASE of ShinTo Kernel.

I’ve been insulted, attacked and accused of many false things and … I’ve had enough of wasting my time.

My research in ShinTo Kernel will continue privately along with other projects.

  1. ShinTo Kernel NewBorn L09A07 LP for N9005 (EUR/EUROPE).
  2. ShinTo Kernel NewBorn L09A07 LP for N900T (TMO/T-Mobile USA).


This new release of ShinTo Kernel includes the following :

  • Went from 3.4.0 to 3.4.40 (all those that are on 3.4.39 are in reality on 3.4.0).
  • More bug fixes for PrecoGOV.
  • General stability improvements.
  • Better battery life.
  • Better fluidity (if possible).

It is compiled with LINARO Toolchain GCC 4.9.3 compiled by the great Christopher83


  • Synapse: mic volumes reset to -84 the first time you launch synapse but I have included code to reset it to 0. You only have to accept and it will reset to 0.
  • Synapse: Fast charge; For values to stick across reboot, you HAVE to UNCHECK “FAILSAFE” at the bottom of the screen in “FAST CHARGE”.
  • ShadowLED: Works without issues once you deselect led notifications from the ROM settings.
  • VIPER4ANDROID: When you first start your phone, viper4android is off. To fix, you have to launch viper4android so it restarts it’s engine. That issue happens if you have eXpanD activated.
  • N900T WIFI CALLING: Sorry guys, I haven’t had the time yet to look into it and see where the issue is. I hope to get it sorted out on time the release of L10A01.


  • There’s NO SUPPORT ANYMORE. If you have an issue or think that ShinTo Kernel is the reason your boss hates you, I URGE YOU TO UNINSTALL, install some other kernel and go bother them.




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36 Responses

  1. Kevin says:

    Sad times.
    Sorry to see this project finish, and thank you.
    Good luck for the future.

  2. Silvester says:

    Thank you for the release !
    Sad to see you are going private with this project.I am enjoying your work for a long time now.
    Thanks again for your hard work

  3. j3n5t says:

    This is the only kernel my phone has run besides stock. Today is a sad day. Thank you for everything you’ve done your hard work will not be forgotten.

  4. N0sp4m says:

    Thanks a lor for your hard work, too bad that you will not have the opportunity the fullfil your promise with a kk version of your kernel. This is a sad day yes 🙁

  5. Saad Ramiz says:

    It’s a sad moment for people like me who have been on your bandwagon since the start!
    Your contribution to the Note 3 will never be forgotten. Would also like to thank your girlfriend who supports you in all this so that we got to enjoy this amazing stuff until now.
    Hope to see your works on Note 7
    You broke the barriers with this kernel of yours but haters gonna hate!
    Want to be a part of your “private” circle. Although I wish that you don’t go private, Mark that I’m not complaining or questioning your decision.
    Keep building bruh…

  6. Awe mate, wicked sad to see ya go!
    I’m here if you ever need any testing done. 🙂

    (this is kevp75, for some reason my wp login is bonko’s at the moment 🙂 )

  7. Sean says:

    Sorry to see you go, this is the only kernel i’ve run since I found out about it last year. All the best in the future!

  8. chee seng says:

    thanks for the great kernel bro! me too wish to join your private project xD . All the best !

  9. Samer says:

    The only kernel that have everything now it will go and take everything…

    Thank you so much for your efforts and for giving us the opportunity to try your piece of art.
    Wish you the best.

  10. Dale says:

    Sorry to hear this is last build. I’d like to thank you for this kernel I have been using the past couple of months. Best custom kernel and gov. I have used on N900T. It is sad that some people don’t apreceate your hard work and the fact you share this for free and choose to make accusations and criticize. Thanks again for the opportunity to use this kernel and good luck in future projects.

  11. Anynjimmy says:

    Rocking kernel… Seems more and more players are retired

  12. razvanuu says:

    Hello, I want to use this kernel, I have a Note3. Thankyou.

  13. Geoff R says:

    Such a shame. Even after upgrading to the note 5 from the note 3 I still visit your page periodically to hopefully see ” reborn on tmo note 5!”. I can’t comprehend the way people are treated after spending their time making works of art for little to nothing. The sense of entitlement is unacceptable. Anywho it’s good that you haven’t stopped for good! Talent like that should never go away.

  14. yay! why oh why man? i hate to see you leaving :/ no more awesome kernel :/

  15. 6h0st says:

    Thank you for the experience! Your work is/was unique. Cheers!

  16. It’s sad to see you leaving. Keep up your great work. Don’t give up. Many good developers left xda for similar reasons. Xda is big. That’s why they feel superior. They need strong competition to learn humbleness. One day they will learn. Until then release new versions of your kernel.

    • CeKMTL says:

      Dziękuję bardzo, keep an eye here this coming week…there might be a surprise and thx again for your kind words.
      Na razie 😉

  17. Silitek says:

    Carlos, thanks for all you’re work. Follow you on developing *****08. The world needed you..:) At lease, i’m.
    Waiting 4the suprise too.

    • CeKMTL says:

      Hey man nice to see you here!
      Yep surprise is coming for both 5.1.1 and 5.0.1
      5.1.1 among other things fixes the camera issues…
      Just a little patience while we make sure everything is working correctly.
      Should be dropping this week

  18. Mike B. says:


    We value your droppings, here as we did “there” (X*A)… 😉

  19. don’t leave dude. i really like your kernel especially the SHADOWLED, I like em when they’re dancing 🙂 anyway thank you so much man. I really really love this kernel. I mean it 🙂

  20. Hi i have got small question, because when i installed this kernel for darklord i have 1/2 display and i can’t do nothing.Any solution?

  21. Soi have problem because after instalation a have 1/2 display. Any solution?