Have Siri NOT go through BT

So, about a couple of hours ago I was browsing reddit in stealth mode, reading people’s posts and updates/questions and I stumbled across a post that was asking if there was a way for Siri to go through the phone mic & speaker when connected to BT instead of automatically going through BT (that’s the default).


I was actually resting & relaxing from a long stint of coding and bug hunting (C linux kernel for Android = ShinTo Kernel).

As I can’t stay put, I thought that actually I complained many times of that same issue (and a couple of curses too….lol…) so I fired up the great FLEX (seriously it’s a work of ART!) and started fiddling around, getting closer and closer until it worked….WHAAAT?!?!?! oh man that RUSH you get… heheheh always THAT RUSH 😀

Ok, here are the instructions and screen captures for you to reproduce it. I’ll also try and upload to FLEX after publishing the post.

First of all, you need to add a new Patch with the + sign.

Choose “System Wide” as the App (you might have to download “Make Hidden Apps viewable” from Flex Cloud first).

After that choose “SiriUI”


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2 Responses

  1. Grayson says:

    You, my friend, are amazing.

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