[RELEASE] ShinTo Kernel “NewBorn” L09A04 for LP


More information of the origins of ShinTo Kernel can be found in previous version posts.

How to install ShinTo Kernel?

  1. First CREATE A BACKUP OF YOUR ROM (in case something awful happens and you need to restore)!
  2. Did you create the backup in recovery?
  3. Go to recovery mode (Power off phone / Once powered off, press PWR + HOME + UP VOL).
  4. Once inside recovery (tested with TWRP you select install and choose the .ZIP that you have previously downloaded from here.
  5. Once installed, reboot into normal mode and wait for the phone to come up.

One thing you will notice right out of the bat is that the led starts to blink in different colors and brightness; that’s ShadowLED working for ya 😉

How to UNinstall ShinTo Kernel?

  1. Flash any other kernel you would like on top of ShinTo Kernel.
    ShinTo kernel uses it’s own unique and private “init.d” so from this version on, it won’t touch  /system/etc/init.d anymore.
    All options can be enabled/disabled in Synapse and the settings survive a flash, reflash & even a format, backup, restore, etc…

Alternatively you can recover the backup of your rom if you messed something up.

How to go from EXT4 to F2FS & vice versa?

ShinTo Kernel includes a new and much improved clever code at bootup that takes care of a couple of things for you, so you can test F2FS in any combination you see fit, and even go back to EXT4 if you don’t like F2FS without loosing any data but you have to follow some logical steps detailed here by the great Megaflop666:

  1. Update TWRP to the latest and greatest ( at the time of this writing), you can download it from http://teamw.in/project/twrp2
  2. Drop to TWRP and flash the latest Shinto Kernel
  3. Reboot and let the phone fully boot up and settle down, give it 15 minutes
  4. Open Synapse and make sure all settings are stock, if it tells you that your previous settings cannot be used, click “Understood“, and then click the apply check mark at the top.
  5. Go into ES File Explorer or something of your choice and get ALL USER DATA THAT YOU WISH TO KEEP off of the internal SD card.
  7. Drop to TWRP and run a FULL NANDROID BACKUP to your External SD Card.
  8. Go to SETTINGS and unselect (un tick) “use rm -rf instead of formatting” (We want TWRP to actually format with f2fs)
  9. Go to Wipe and Choose Advanced Wipe
  10. Select System and choose change or repair file system
  11. Choose f2fs and go through the steps where it tells you that all data will be lost and apply it.
  12. Follow steps 9-11 for Data and Cache one at a time.
  13. Go to SETTINGS and select (tick) “use rm -rf instead of formatting” (We don’t want TWRP to restore back to EXT4)
  14. Do a restore, but ONLY CHECK SYSTEM & DATA for restoral, NOTHING ELSE IS NEEDED.
  15. It will tell you that your backup was made with ext4 and may not boot, don’t worry it will boot.
  16. After restore, reboot your device. First boot will take a few because it’s a new file system and your apps will have to reconfigure themselves, etc.

You can see what partitions are in what format if you go to the i/o VM tab in Synapse. 

On what models does ShinTo Kernel work?

For the time being, it has been confirmed to run very fast & stable on the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N9005 (international SnapDragon) and on N900T (TMO T-Mobile USA), on any Samsung LOLLIPOP 5.0.x TouchWiz rom.
It is only meant to work on Samsung TouchWiz roms, for now… 😉

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20 Responses

  1. Sean says:


  2. drrootso says:

    Shmooth!!! Nice work, gets better every release.

  3. Please can you make a kernel for cm12.1?

    • CeKMTL says:

      U will consider it once ShinTo Kernel for LP is out of beta and all the new features I have planned are in.
      I’d like to thank you for your interest in ShinTo Kernel.

  4. James De Guzman says:

    Can I flash this with my N900S?

    • CeKMTL says:

      I am not 100% sure but you could do a nandroid backup of everything just in case and try the N9005 version and see how it goes.

  5. Pirate.666 says:

    Thx for coming back with an LP version of this great kernel! One question: it seems that my battery is draining if I use my phone while charging. Is that normal?

    • CeKMTL says:

      You welcome.
      Depends on what your phone is doing and what is the charge mA that you are getting.
      If you’re plugged in your laptop you could be getting as little as 450 mA…
      I’d suggest checking the cpu usage of background tasks as maybe you could have some app/task that is stuck.

  6. kevp75 says:

    Hey bro, got a quick (hopefully) question for ya…
    You got built-in f2fs support (SWEEET!!!!), but I wonder if it could be enabled to external sd as well… I see where you enable it during boot, so just wondering if it’s just a matter of doing something along those lines as well?

  7. sreeword says:

    Thanks for the awesome kernal. One quick question. I’m using sm-n900t with sm-9005 ROM on it. Which version of kernel you recommend?

    • CeKMTL says:

      Well if u understood correctly you should be using the N900T…?
      You’re most welcome and thank you for trying ShinTo Kernel

  8. Samer says:

    Just want to say this is awesome kernel and I can see you put a lot efforts in it, thank you so much for your hard work, and I would love to see this piece of art running on AOSP.

    • CeKMTL says:

      Thank you very much!
      Currently working hard on squashing a few bugs some ppl seem to encounter.
      Hopefully tomorrow I can have a new release out.

  9. Thank you for all of your genius that you have shared with us. This may be a stupid question, but after seeing all you have done for us over the last forever, I wanted see if you could help first. It’s simply because,out of everyone In The Know on the net I trust you the most. I have a SM-N9005 International Version, Kitkat 4.4.2, N905XXUGNG1, V40A06 Second Reality. I want to upgrade to the latest Lollipop and your latest kernel. Is this possible? If so, could you point me in the right direction for the Firmware and instructions for such a move? I just knew that if anyone knows, you would. I really appreciate your time and help. You are a programmer, among programmers. Out of respect and utmost appreciation, I have every relevant app you have produced for my setup and have gladly paid for them all. Keep up the good work.