[RELEASE] ShinTo Kernel “NewBorn” L09A02 for LP

Welcome to the current official release of the ShinTo Kernel series.


Please always get the latest release from HERE

Why name the Kernel “ShinTo”?

To me it has the meaning of “Study of the Essence” (to achieve) “The Way of The Gods” as, to me, ShinTo Kernel is a way to learn and become an expert.
Also the name just sounds very “catchy” 🙂

Why “NewBorn”?

I chose it just to celebrate the birth of ShinTo Kernel for Lollipop (LP).
I know it took me quite a long time and I apologize for that…

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18 Responses

  1. Silvester says:

    A thank you, i thought i messed something up somehow!
    Thank you for your hard work!

  2. niezamema says:

    Hi, im a big fan of Shinto kernel when using Kitkat.. But now, since TW lollipop,i didn’t like the TW interface and colour…That is why im using AOSP base rom for my daily driver..Hope u consider to create Shinto for AOSP lollipop…Now feeling like to use TW again just to test your kernel.. 🙂

    • CeKMTL says:

      I suggest you stay in aosp and hang on there for a little bit more. Once LP build is stabilised I will port over to aosp and also KK. It just takes time as it’s original.code that I am writing and not as easy as applying patches.
      Thank you for you interest and support, really appreciate it!!

  3. kevp75 says:

    Nice job bro!

    • CeKMTL says:

      Thx Kev!!!
      Wait for L09A03 that should be released today… it will be a lot better with better stability! 😀
      Hope you’re doing fine!

      • kevp75 says:

        Nice dude!
        02 seems pretty stable to me 😉

        Got a quick question for you, (or rather request), is there any way we can have shadowled fire off earlier in the boot process? Preferably pre bootanimation?

        • CeKMTL says:

          Yep of course, I can cook up something for you after tonight’s release of L09A03.
          As a matter of fact I think I could make it fire as soon as /init loads so that means after 2-3 seconds of initial boot.
          Hit me up in about 4 hours on my Twitter via DM @CeKMTL or via email
          Let me know;)

  4. Jason says:

    Thanks so much for this awesome work. A02 is stable for me. 🙂
    A quick one, I realize the default CPU gov is interactive without tweaking anything. Do I need to change the gov to precognition to get a best battery life and yet great performance? Thanks

  5. mohd imran says:

    hai , i do like yr kernel , can i use on dokdo 7.3.1 hlte rom ?

  6. mohd imran says:

    can i use shinto kernel on dokdo rom for note 3 n9005 ?