[RELEASE] ShinTo Kernel “NewBorn” L08A01 for LP


Without the hard work of everyone here (hope I don’t forget anyone!) ShinTo would not exist, so sincerest thank you to all of you that inspire countless people to follow your path!

– yank555 (many cool enhancements & Great GitHub!!)
– wootever
– faux123 (also many cool enhancements & Great GitHub!!)
– myfluxi (amazing github with loads of patches!)
– Andreilux (Synapse app.)
– Civato for all kernel, Synapse & installer work!
– FrozenCow (DriveDroid Patch + App).
– CodeAurora contributors (too many great ppl contributing patches & enhancements).
– Imoseyon.
– UpInTheAir.
– CI3Kener.
– Dorimanx.
– Showp1984.
– Neobuddy89.
– Megaflop666. (Amazing help & Beta Tester; he is everywhere! …superpowers?)
– carva74K. (Great beta tester from htcmania, GRACIAS!)
– Angelo. (Ossom enthusiam and help, THX!)
– Yoann. (Great beta tester & a pioneer!)
– All the great guys from “ShinTo Kernel” CLOSED THREAD at xda
– All the great guys from “ShinTo Kernel” thread at HTCMANIA 🙂
– Other great people all around the world that contribute Linux Kernel Patches!

Everyone else I might have forgotten, please let me know and I’ll update the post! 😉


Although I have been running this version of the kernel as my daily driver and I test everything in real life, I take no responsibility if the phone has an issue, scares your cat, drops the job interview call of your life or makes you fight with your neighbor 😉



Please don’t direct link the zip file.

If you would like to include ShinTo Kernel in your rom, you’re more than welcome; just give everyone credit and include PreCog.me as the site for ShinTo Kernel.

I really hope you enjoy ShinTo Kernel (as I have been), and I would advise you to subscribe to PreCog.me for more goodies to come (specialized software, articles, diy, news, etc)

  1. ShinTo Kernel NewBorn L08A01 LP for N9005 (EUR/EUROPE).
  2. ShinTo Kernel NewBorn L08A01 LP for N900T (TMO/T-Mobile USA).


  • Well… a lot of stuff ported over from the KK version of ShinTo Kernel. There are still a few things missing that I’ll be porting in the coming weeks.
  • Improved PrecoGOV now at version 1.2.5
  • F2Fs support across the board on all partitions and even with bootcharge animation.
  • Frequency range goes from 268Mhz to 2841Mhz.
  • Support for last_kmsg.
  • Support for ModemGUARD: if you modem/baseband crashes ShinTo Kernel will deal with it in the background by resetting the modem/baseband and continue as if nothing ever happened instead of having a sudden reboot of your phone.
  • Support for Surround eXpand Sound: your Note3 will use both speakers (ear piece + speaker) to deliver true stereo sound but only in the right places.
  • Based on latest available sources from Samsung.


  • Synapse: mic volumes reset to -84 the first time you launch synapse but I have included code to reset it to 0. You only have to accept and it will reset to 0.
  • Synapse: Fast charge; For values to stick across reboot, you HAVE to UNCHECK “FAILSAFE” at the bottom of the screen in “FAST CHARGE”.
  • ShadowLED: Works without issues once you deselect led notifications from the ROM settings.
  • VIPER4ANDROID: When you first start your phone, viper4android is off. To fix, you have to launch viper4android so it restarts it’s engine. That issue happens if you have eXpanD activated.


  • Absolutely NO kind of support will be given here if you happen to have any issue while you are Overclocked or Undervolted.
  • If you encounter an issue then you will have to reset to stock manufacturer sanctioned settings (300 Mhz to 2.230 Mhz & stock voltages), remove ANY/ALL scripts in /etc/init.d/and reproduce the issue with all debugging turned on (Go to Synapse “SYSTEM DEBUG”).
  • Once you reproduce the issue with stock settings, ZIP the two “ShinTo” log files in the root of your sdcard (/sdcard/) and send us a link to download said .ZIP file with a detailed description of your issue, Note3 model, rom name & version along with what you were doing when the issue happened.




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51 Responses

  1. kevp75 says:


  2. nice niceeee niceeeee!!!! thank you so much man!!! after flashing this and do some test i can finally take a long nap lol. u rock! \m/ d[0_0]b \m/

    • CeKMTL says:

      Hahaha very glad that you can get some ZzZz!
      Be sure to run ShinTo Kernel with PrecoGOV (precognition governor)

  3. Edward Phifer says:

    Runs great. Fast. Unbelievably fast. But in Kk kernel, WiFi calling works, but I guess it hasn’t been implemented on this yet. WBe switching full time when it does

    • CeKMTL says:

      I didn’t even know about WiFi calling…will have to check it out and fix what needs to be fixed.
      Thx for reporting, I guess this is for the N900T?

  4. emuandco says:

    Warning: Process “system” not responding. Samsung Galaxy Note 3 | SM-N9005 | N9005XXUGBOEA DevBase by alexndr, CP: BOD3 & BL: BOEA, TWRP

    • emuandco says:

      More precisely this happens after recreating the ART cache on first startup. After I went back to arter kernel my Play Services were gone and of course all bindings to it.

  5. Irfan says:

    Does this kernel solve the micro stutter when scrolling in some apps ? I really want a very smooth note 3 experience

  6. Irfan says:

    I already flashed it and it didnt suit my phone. It lag and stutter more compared to my current kernel. My phone is note 3 n9005

  7. jhfreeze says:

    Dude, so awesome and stable. But alas, same boat with n900t, got to have my WiFi calling. Can’t wait for your next release I will definitely be waiting and thank you for your great work. Let me know if you need someone to test.

  8. zhobotero says:

    at last here it is.. thanks man

  9. j3n5t says:

    Thank you for the update. Everything is running smooth for me. I don’t use WiFi calling so this update is great. Thank you for all you do for our beloved note 3.

    • CeKMTL says:

      My pleasure and thank you for sharing with us!
      I will research and fix the WiFi calling…sorry about that 😉

  10. Yoann says:

    Nice job! Shinto power in my note 3 again!

  11. hi cek, got problem while setting the max screen off frequency to minimum after i turn the screen off then on the cpu frequency is locked to minimum setting and cpu voltage cant be edit got error msg ‘seek bar failed’. but overall its all good the performance and the temp is awesome. thanks again for bringing shinto to lollipop.

  12. zhobotero says:

    love the smoothness and doesnt even goes above 63c while playing, even though im on a hot environment while playing. but i encounter a problem on setting the max screen off frequency to minimum, after i turn the screen off then on the frequency is stuck at the minimum frequency need to reboot to get things back on normal, and cant edit voltage too, got error message ‘seek bar failed’. but above that all, its really great.

  13. zhobotero says:

    got problem while setting max screen off frequency to lowest, after turning off then on the screen the clock frequency is locked at the minimum, need to restart the device to fix. cant edit voltage, error says ‘seek bar failed’. but overall kernel is so smooth not even temp goes high while playing game compared to others. thanks to you man.

  14. I’m having trouble finding download link 🙁 Thank you, been waiting for your LP kernel ever since transferred to LP!

  15. chris122 says:

    I guess the KK is kicking butt, thanks appreciate your time and work…

  16. Andy says:

    Is there a way I can remove shadowled? It’s stopping me getting led notification prompt.

    Awesome work btw

    • CeKMTL says:

      Of course you can disable ShadowLED; you can do so in Synapse app ➡️ ShinTo Features ➡️ ShadowLED.
      Thank you!

  17. Chee Seng says:

    I’m not sure is it kernel problem, I using norma s6 edge port Rom and after flashed your kernel ; I’m getting auto reboot and all my apps data clear itself. Also getting the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped. (After used the Rom for sometime only occurred)

    Try to clear cache partition and dalvik also same problem. Currently restore other backup Rom.


    • CeKMTL says:

      Well without logs to know what went wrong I can’t say for sure… I’ve heard that some version of S6 port doesn’t play well with this beta version of ShinTo Kernel…
      This week I should be releasing a new version that has some cool stuff in it so hopefully you can try it and it will work better for you.
      Thank you for trying and for reporting your findings!

  18. Geoff says:

    I have experienced a similar problem on a non s6 ported rom and on the s6 edge rom I’m on now. I thought at first it was caused by the precog gov, which is awesome might I add. However it only seems to occur when I’m overclocked. I’m using precog now at 2.3ghz and no reboots or data loss, which only affected the app I was using when my phone freezes and reboots.

    • CeKMTL says:

      Hummm yeah that’s why I always ask if it happened while overclocking or undervolting (or both) but almost no one answers the question lol
      Wait to see the new version of PrecoGOV that will drop this week… I honestly am impressed and always think it’s placebo lol
      New version should improve/fix/avoid the lost app data after reboot thinguie.
      Thx for trying ShinTo Kernel!

  19. Geoff says:

    Ops, submitted too early. I do not have any logs unfortunately which is obviously the most helpful.I’ll see if i can duplicate the issue again and get that for you. Appreciate the work you’ve put in. Thank you.

    • CeKMTL says:

      It’s OK, wait for the new version that is dropping this week and we will take it from there if there are issues to debug.
      Thank you!

  20. Geoff says:

    Sounds good. Yeah i completely forgot about your statement above about overclocking. In regards to your placebo statement – heck no. It is a noticable improvement in performance, namely scrolling smoothness and speed after synapse applies the settings on boot. Look forward to the new update!

  21. anonymouse says:

    Hi, I tried following the steps for switching from ext4 to f2fs, but all I see is the swirling dots that you see before the android logo for half an hour. It never booted into system so I had to switch back to ext4. Anyone else encounter this?

    • CeKMTL says:

      I am currently running ShinTo Kernel on F2FS on all partitions…
      Would check the size of the system partition before conversion to F2FS, be sure to leave at least 200 Mb of free space.

      • anonymouse says:

        my system is reporting 734 MB free. anything else that might cause it? should I do all partitions instead of just the system and data mentioned in the instructions?

        • CeKMTL says:

          Well… What I would do to debug the issue is first format cache as F2FS and leave system and data as extra and see if you can boot up. If you can then go to Synapse and confirm that you have cache recognized as F2FS.
          If so then go back and convert system to F2FS and try to boot and see if Synapse lists it as F2FS.
          If that also works then try with data.
          If system fails then do the opposite (system ext4 data F2FS).
          That’s why I can recommend from the distance to troubleshoot the issue.
          Let us know how it goes.

  22. Alexander Sattler says:

    Any chances for a shinto kernel on note 4? My note 3 was stolen 🙁
    Replaced it with a note 4, after all the time i thought it’s time for a better device, but it’s not really better without your kernel…

    • CeKMTL says:

      Oh crap sorry to hear that your Note3 got stolen…
      Yeah I plan on porting over all the stuff that makes ShinTo Kernel unique over to Note4 (snapdragon) once I stabilise ShinTo Kernel LP.
      It will take me some time as I am currently overwhelmed with many projects.

  23. I love the new Second Reality Kernel.It is awesome. I have a Rooted N9005 International version Galaxy Note 3 running KitKat. I’m looking for a way to upgrade to Lollipop and then install your new kernels for that. Can you point you point me in the direction to find the upgrade and installation instructions for my phone. I come across places on occasion, but cannot figure out what will work and what will be safe and trusted.

    Thank you in advance for your help. I’m a big fan of yours and certainly aspire to grow my knowledge to a comparable level with yourself.

    Best regards,

    • CeKMTL says:

      I am currently travelling and on holidays so have limited access to Internet and can’t extend myself much.
      I’d advise you to go to some big forum like xda and read about LP roms. Some of the most famous ones that have been tested with ShinTo Kernel are “Aryamod” “S6 port by Darklord” “Alexander series of stock roms” and another one I forgot about right now.
      Do not forget to make a nandroid backup of everything just in case you need to restore.
      I guess the easiest way to upgrade would be to download an official firmware from samfirmware, flash it with your pc and then on top of that, proceed to flash the modded rom of your choice.

      Sorry that I can’t be of more help right now…