[RELEASE] ShinTo Kernel “SecondReality” V40A02

Welcome to the current official release of the ShinTo Kernel series.


Please always get the latest release from HERE

Why name the Kernel “ShinTo”?

To me it has the meaning of “Study of the Essence” (to achieve) “The Way of The Gods” as, to me, ShinTo Kernel is a way to learn and become an expert.
Also the name just sounds very “catchy” 🙂

Why “SecondReality”?

I chose it as a tribute to the legendary demo titled “Second Reality” of the epic Future Crew.
They pushed & shattered the limits of what was possible on a PC some 22 years ago…
That is my aim and driving force; to push the limits of what is conceivable, and then SHATTER them!

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123 Responses

  1. blekota says:

    What about great governor umbrella from note 4?

  2. binnns says:

    This is another masterpiece.works excellent. Thank you very much

  3. sulan66 says:

    Shinto really makes this phone fly

  4. flak0 says:

    This thing is flying. Wow!!

  5. Machine_Head says:

    Running the kernel for almost 4 hours already. Running great so far. Excellent work good sir! 🙂

  6. j3n5t says:

    Thank you. this release is running even better than the last.

  7. PwwwN057 says:

    Do you need to set anything for I/o schedulers or anything GPU?

  8. blekota says:

    yes shinto is materpiece kernel, do you plane st weaks support? cuz only in stweaks can be changed cpu hotplug to different types like msm, alucard, autosmp etc.. i dont post here my dreams requests, but such asking for 🙂

    • iamskynet says:

      There’s only PrecoGOV/IntelliPlug/msm and from next version only PrecoGOV/msm
      Oh and no, no stweaks for the foreseeable future.

      • 6h0st says:

        I agree. No point in having intellihotplug, msm-thermal, touchboost or mpdecision in this kernel. Precog governor is enough. Stweaks is pointless. Kernel config can be done with a init.d script, this way no memory or cpu consumption is happening.

        • iamskynet says:

          Well, that’s the beauty of Android; the freedom to choose among many different options what better suits you.
          My research and development is geared toward a specific goal and that is not supporting or including everything out there.
          It’s just how I see it, maybe I’m wrong or maybe not…

  9. Bogeyof says:

    Many thanks for your amazing work. Running new kernel now, seems again improved in fluidity and seems also a bit faster for me. Well done !!!

  10. Finally, no more screen on in my mobile phone case for my belt ^^ Kernel works great. Btw, I have a problem in synapse @ enlisting the governors for GFX and sometimes CPU SOptionList has failed: com.af.synapse.utils.RunCommandFailedException. echo: write error: No such device.

    • iamskynet says:

      Argh… OK… Weird it has not happened to me. Will have to play some more with Synapse…
      Thx for reporting!

      Daniel!, please check what I’ve put below and let me know your findings.

  11. iamskynet says:

    It seems there’s a possibility that Synapse is not setting PrecoGOV on ALL 4 CORES for everyone at boot…
    To be 100% sure, what you can do for now is launch an app like TricksterMOD or FAUX and select performance governor, accept then select again PrecoGOV and accept to force PrecoGOV on all 4 cores…
    Synapse is driving me bonkers! 🙁

    • 6h0st says:


      echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/online
      echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online
      echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/online
      echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/online
      echo “precognition” > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
      echo “precognition” > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor
      echo “precognition” > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_governor
      echo “precognition” > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_governor

    • 6h0st says:

      This is an init.d script to eliminate the problem. That’s why i don’t use synapse.

    • Fun! SOptionList has failed: com.af.synapse.utils.RunCommandFailedException. failed on ‘/system/bin/mpdecision’ No such file or directory

    • ocujos says:

      I’ve installed TricksterMod and have noticed that MP-Decision is *enabled* by default. I though that Synapse should disable it automatically when PrecoGOV is selected. After exiting TricksterMod, I started Synapse to make sure other settings are still ok, however, interactive governor was selected!?
      I think I’ll just use Synapse + initial.d script for the time being.

  12. derride8 says:

    In TricksterMod, mulicore power saving is set to “0”. Do you recommend to leave it as is?

  13. A.N.droid says:

    Just wanted to let you know that i get the “SOption List has failed…” in synapse when switching between ums/default usb mode.

    Thanks for the powerguard function, great feature!

  14. derride8 says:


  15. B3311 says:

    6h0st – do we just copy/paste your code into the existing init.d file, and drop Synapse?
    Thanks in advance. Am very ignorant on all things init.d…

    • iamskynet says:

      No don’t drop Synapse as it does some other stuff that is needed.
      If you have tricksterMOD (I think the free one should do it) use it at first boot and follow the instructions I put earlier.

    • 6h0st says:

      This is my complete kernel configuration script. Just copy/paste into a new file, and copy it to init.d
      It contains done tweaks that i use, but you can delete those lines if you don’t need them.
      It has my notations for help inside.


      #CPU Settings
      echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/online
      echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online
      echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/online
      echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/online
      echo 268800 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
      echo 268800 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
      echo 268800 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
      echo 268800 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
      echo 2265600 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
      echo 2265600 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
      echo 2265600 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
      echo 2265600 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
      #CPU limitations
      echo 2 > /sys/kernel/cpufreq_hardlimit/userspace_dvfs_lock
      #Screen on
      echo 883200 > /sys/kernel/cpufreq_hardlimit/scaling_max_freq_screen_off
      echo 268800 > /sys/kernel/cpufreq_hardlimit/scaling_min_freq_screen_off
      #Screen off
      echo 1881600 > /sys/kernel/cpufreq_hardlimit/scaling_max_freq_screen_on
      echo 268800 > /sys/kernel/cpufreq_hardlimit/scaling_min_freq_screen_on

      #Touch boost
      #echo 268800 > /sys/kernel/cpufreq_hardlimit/touchboost_lo_freq
      #echo 1574400 > /sys/kernel/cpufreq_hardlimit/touchboost_hi_freq

      #Set governor (interactive/ precognition)
      echo “precognition” > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
      echo “precognition” > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor
      echo “precognition” > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/scaling_governor
      echo “precognition” > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/scaling_governor

      # CPU Intelli-plug
      stop mpdecision
      #echo 0 > /sys/module/msm_mpdecision/parameters/enabled
      #Activate/Deactivate (1/0)
      echo 0 > /sys/module/intelli_plug/parameters/intelli_plug_active
      echo 4000 > /sys/module/intelli_plug/parameters/cpu_nr_run_threshold
      echo 12 > /sys/module/intelli_plug/parameters/nr_run_hysteresis
      echo 883200 > /sys/module/intelli_plug/parameters/screen_off_max
      echo 0 > /sys/module/intelli_plug/parameters/touch_boost_active
      # Profiles to select: 0,1,2,3,4 ( Balanced-4, Performance-4, Conservative-4, Performance-2, Conservative-2)
      echo 2 > /sys/module/intelli_plug/parameters/nr_run_profile_sel

      # CPU Intelli-Thermal control
      busybox chmod 644 /sys/module/msm_thermal/parameters/enabled
      #Activate/Deactivate (Y/N)
      echo “N” > /sys/module/msm_thermal/parameters/enabled
      echo 65 > /sys/module/msm_thermal/parameters/core_limit_temp
      echo 75 > /sys/module/msm_thermal/parameters/psm_temp
      echo 65 > /sys/module/msm_thermal/parameters/limit_temp
      busybox chmod 644 /sys/module/msm_thermal/core_control/enabled
      echo 1 > /sys/module/msm_thermal/core_control/enabled

      # Activate simple GPU alogarithm
      echo 1 > /sys/module/simple_gpu_algorithm/parameters/simple_gpu_activate
      echo 4 > /sys/module/simple_gpu_algorithm/parameters/simple_laziness
      echo 6000 > /sys/module/simple_gpu_algorithm/parameters/simple_ramp_threshold
      # Maximum GPU frequency
      echo “simple_ondemand” > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/devfreq/governor
      echo 200000000 > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/max_gpuclk
      echo 200000000 > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/devfreq/max_freq
      echo 100000000 > /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/devfreq/min_freq

      #Scheduler for internal,rpmb and external sdcard
      echo “fiops” > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler
      echo “fiops” > /sys/block/mmcblk0rpmb/queue/scheduler
      echo “fiops” > /sys/block/mmcblk1/queue/scheduler

      #Entropy on internal,rpmb and external sdcard
      echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/add_random
      echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk0rpmb/queue/add_random
      echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk1/queue/add_random

      #Read ahead for internal, rpmb and external sdcard
      echo 512 > /sys/block/mmcblk0/queue/read_ahead_kb
      echo 256 > /sys/block/mmcblk0rpmb/queue/read_ahead_kb
      echo 2048 > /sys/block/mmcblk1/queue/read_ahead_kb

      #Disable CRC Checks
      echo N > /sys/module/mmc_core/parameters/use_spi_crc

      #disable iostats to reduce overhead !
      if [ -e $i/queue/iostats ];
      echo “0” > $i/queue/iostats;

      # “Applying I/O related tweaks…”
      MMC=`ls -d /sys/block/mmc*`;
      echo Optimize non-rotating storage;
      for i in $MMC;
      if [ -e $i/queue/rotational ];
      echo 0 > $i/queue/rotational;
      if [ -e $i/queue/nr_requests ];
      echo 8192 > $i/queue/nr_requests;

      #Other settings
      #echo 1 > /sys/kernel/dyn_fsync/Dyn_fsync_active
      # Fast charge
      echo 2 > /sys/kernel/fast_charge/force_fast_charge
      echo 2100 > /sys/kernel/fast_charge/ac_charge_level
      echo 460 > /sys/kernel/fast_charge/usb_charge_level
      # Touchwake settings
      echo 1 > /sys/class/misc/touchwake/enabled
      echo 3000 > /sys/class/misc/touchwake/delay

      #ext4 tweaks (stop this if f2fs!)

      #if ( mount | grep -w ext4 ) then
      # echo “EXT4 Partition Found!”
      # echo “Remounting…”
      # mount -o noatime,remount,rw,discard,barrier=0,commit=60,noauto_da_alloc,delalloc /cache /cache;
      # mount -o noatime,remount,rw,discard,barrier=0,commit=60,noauto_da_alloc,delalloc /data /data;
      # echo “EXT4 Partition Not Found!”

      #Cache cleaning
      busybox find /data/data -type d -iname *cache* -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -exec busybox rm -rf {} ‘;’

      # disabling knox security at boot
      pm disable com.sec.knox.seandroid;
      setenforce 0;

      # Kernel and VM tweaks
      echo “Applying Kernel, FS and VM Tweaks…”

      #FS Tweaks
      echo “10240” > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches;
      echo “256” > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances;
      echo “32000” > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_queued_events;
      echo “524288” > /proc/sys/fs/file-max;
      echo “10” > /proc/sys/fs/lease-break-time;

      #Kernel tweaks
      echo “10” > /proc/sys/kernel/panic;
      echo “524288” > /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max;
      echo “65536” > /proc/sys/kernel/msgmax;
      echo “500,512000,64,2048” > /proc/sys/kernel/sem;
      echo “2048” > /proc/sys/kernel/msgmni;
      echo “268435456” > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax;
      #Kernel entropy settings:
      echo “512” > /proc/sys/kernel/random/read_wakeup_threshold
      echo “2048” > /proc/sys/kernel/random/write_wakeup_threshold

      #VM Tweaks
      #Dynamic dirty write-back (Recomand:1)
      echo “1” > /proc/sys/vm/dynamic_dirty_writeback
      #Dirty memory buffer to be used (default: 20)
      echo “90” > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_ratio;
      #Dirty background memory buffer to be used (default: 5)
      echo “70” > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio;
      #Screen on dirty writes ( safe value: 1500)
      echo “2500” > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_active_centisecs;
      echo “2500” > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs;
      #Screen off dirty writes ( safe value: 500)
      echo “500” > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_suspend_centisecs ;
      #Dirty writes time to consider data to be old (safe value: 200)
      echo “250” > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs;
      #Value for reclaim memory used for caching (default:100)
      echo “100” > /proc/sys/vm/vfs_cache_pressure;
      #Drop caches (recommended value:3)
      echo “3” > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches;
      #Other VM tweaks
      echo “1” > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory;
      echo “50” > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_ratio;
      echo “2” > /proc/sys/vm/min_free_order_shift;
      echo “8192” > /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes;
      #Swapiness control (if swap or zram is disabled)
      #echo “0” > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness;
      sleep 1

      #Network tweaks
      echo “1” > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_recycle;
      echo “524288” > /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max;
      echo “524288” > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max;
      echo “6144,87380,524288” > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem;
      echo “6144,87380,524288” > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem;

      #Disable kernel logger
      echo “0” > /sys/kernel/logger_mode/logger_mode;

      # Trimming
      fstrim -v /system
      fstrim -v /data
      fstrim -v /cache
      sleep 1

      # Set correct permissions to init.d scripts
      mount -o remount,rw /system
      chmod 777 /system/etc/init.d/*
      mount -o remount,ro /system

      # Fix ROM dev wrong sets.
      setprop persist.adb.notify 0
      setprop persist.service.adb.enable 1
      setprop dalvik.vm.execution-mode int:jit
      setprop pm.sleep_mode 1

      # Init.d support
      #run-parts /system/etc/init.d

  16. LinX says:

    So do i ditch synapse completely to use trickster or use them in tandem and just use trickster for the precogov setting?

    • iamskynet says:

      If you have the FSYNC stuff ticked in Synapse then untick and try again.
      Although I’ve seen a couple of things that looks suspicious:
      1) A lot of chatter from MSM_THERM ADC … that’s weird as it shouldn’t show unless specifically activated. I mean in my own private logs that message never shows up.
      2) Everytime it ended up with rebooting to ‘recovery’ …
      Did your phone actually reboot to recovery?

      • derride8 says:

        No I rebooted to recovery myself.

        • iamskynet says:

          Ah OK… So it was a sod then.
          Make sure to do what I said in previous posts.
          If we have some cores managed by PrecoGov and some by another governor then it would lead to instabilities.
          Synapse should enforce PrecoGov on all four cores but it seems it’s not always true…

  17. zhobotero69 says:

    man, just flashed by now.. will report tomorrow if anything goes wrong, but i guess ill not encounter any of those (already read comments before flashing). Thanks Man for sharing your great work.

  18. 6h0st says:

    About this:
    Do we need msm-thermal? Why not remove it if we don’t use it?

    • iamskynet says:

      Because you could choose to run with performance or conservative and then if msm-thermal wasn’t there you wouldn’t have any thermal protection.

  19. ShintoUser says:

    I always get a SOD 🙁 for some reason my tmo note 3 don’t like your kernel, I don’t do any tweaking

    • tai nguyen says:

      Some roms dont work well with this kernel. I was on vision x with nonstop sods. Switched to tweaked and everything works great. Im on tmo

    • ShintoUser says:

      I’m on tweaked too, but I tried every release of this kernel but never have success. Lean kernel works fine but after reading in XDA good things about this kernel I decided to try it but doesn’t work for me

  20. PwwwN057 says:

    Do you recommend any I/o schedulers?

  21. ghalib87 says:

    I am using this kernel with tweaked rom from past few months and can confirm you that i havent faced a single issue yet.
    New version is working smoothly.
    Thank you very much dev.

  22. zhobotero69 says:

    Man seems like the charging issue while phone is off goes back on the latest build.

    • iamskynet says:

      I haven’t honed my psychic powers… yet…

      • zhobotero69 says:

        man its ok, i know you can do it, and we all know that you already master your psychic power. hehe,

        PS: just go back to a01 because i always charge my phone off, ill be waiting for the next release man. keep it up and thank you.

    • 6h0st says:

      I can confirm the same charging issue, when phone is turn off, it just get sucked with screen on and trying to load charging animation, but it doesn’t. 🙁

  23. ocujos says:

    Running your latest release since it was released. No SOD’s. Excellent! Just tested battery drain over night: 0.7%.Brilliant!

    Unfortunately, precognition still causes microstutters on MultiX ROM. I’m using interactive and scrolling is very smooth.
    I’m hoping that your God of afterlife will take care of microstutters

    • iamskynet says:

      Glad ShinTo Kernel is working well for you, thank you for letting us know.
      Yes that god is like a Q/A controller… And for now results are quite impressive lol

  24. Machine_Head says:

    Hi good sir. I have had 4 SOD’s since this morning. Would sending you my log be helpful with diagnosis? Other than that, my phone is buttery smooth. 🙂

    • iamskynet says:

      Yes, as stated in the release post, instructions are there.
      I imagine you already made sure that PrecoGov is running on all 4 cores and mpdecision is not running, etc…

      • 100401321 says:

        Made sure that 4 cores are running precognition governor at boot by a creating an init.d script.

        • iamskynet says:

          Just to be 100% sure, once booted and rom has stabilised, open a command prompt and check that all for cored are running Precognition governor.
          Use the path from your script and check the governor for cpu0 cpu1 cpu2 cpu3.
          Also make sure that mpdecision is not running (ps | grep mpdecision)

  25. Darth_Kadd says:

    Hey, I’m on n900w8 Canadian model
    I Know I can flash either a n900t kernel or n9005 on my device, but I was never able to find enough information on whether one was better than the other. For shinto kernel I want to have the best experience so which version do you recommend flashing on my n900w8 device.

    • iamskynet says:

      I have no clue as myself only have the N9005 international version.
      Maybe someone else could help out here?

      • Dragoninja says:

        What rom are you using? I’m getting SOD’s on X-Note v21

      • Darth_Kadd says:

        Thanks for your response. I have two final things I want to ask. Is it OK to overclock with precog gov? And should I have dvfs disabler enabled in xposed installer or does precog gov take care of that too?

        • iamskynet says:

          Yes you can overclock with PrecoGOV.
          I just recommend everyone to test their phones with stock settings to make sure it is stable before adding Overclock/Undervolt to the mix.
          No you don’t have to worry about DVFS as precogov takes care of that too.

      • Darth_Kadd says:

        Hi again, I remember on previous builds, it was recommended by megaflop, zdeuce and tdgillian from xda that the touch boost values should be set to 300mhz. Is that still the case on the newest release or should everything literally be kept stock? Including dynamic fsync?

    • BoldFace says:

      I have the n900t on my n900w8 and I have no issues

  26. iguana says:

    I just traded up to the Note 4. But, I miss this kernel. Here’s hoping a Note 4 version is in your future. Architecture is so similar it shouldn’t be to hard to port unless I’m missing something. I love your work!

    • iamskynet says:

      Well, either way I would need to have that phone with me to do all the testings and take into account that ShinTo Kernel is adapted to the hardware as is PrecoGOV.

      • iguana says:

        I could test it for you on the Note 4. The CPU is almost if not identical just at a slightly higher clock. I miss this kernel so much, I’m about to flash it on to my Note 4 like a mad scientist…”it’s alive, ALIVE!”

  27. blekota says:

    im thinking this kernel is incompatible with for me best rom ever: X-NOTE last ver. 21, too meny random restarts and SOD, without UV etc.. with another kernel no problem few weeks withou restart or sod..

    so people would post here what kind of rom and type of note 3 they using

    x-note 21

    many random reboots and sod.. but this kernel is awesom and have all what can be in kernel..

    im sad for that

  28. Bogeyof says:

    I´m not sure if it´s an issue with X-NOTE Rom, I´m using Stock Rom 4.4.2 (…NG1) and had a few SOD´s and random Reboots too (and some other People with other Roms wrote the same).
    I´m sure, mpdecision wasn´t running (seems impossible, since the file is renamed to _mpdecision under V40A02, so no process could start it ;-)) and all cores were on precoGov. dynamic fsync was off (not checked).
    After a 3rd or 4th Reboot, my System seemed a bit crashed (system.ui… has stopped) and Launcher (Next Launcher 3D) didn´t start without issues anymore.
    Most issues were SOD´s, Screen stays black and doesnt come back, only long press of power button for rebooting possible. Only 1 random reboot while I was in settings of ZooperWidgetPro and want to save changes. Green LED stays on and screen went black. I had the issue with Green LED on and Screen stays black also 2 times when I want to wake up my phone after a longer time of Sleep. It seems it cant write to internal SD anymore. (I´m using row/256 kB for internal and external SD)
    I tried V40A02 with different settings for GPU (for example recommended simple-gpu-algorithm and ondemand-Gov), never overclocked and never undervolted. No other CPU-App (Faux, Trickster and so on), which could change “Standard-Settings”.
    I decided to restore my Backup and installed Shinto V031, it´s running well for the moment again. With V031, I use conservative …

    • iamskynet says:

      Sorry to hear that.
      A full logset would help a lot to ubdertand what is going on. Without it its like it never happened.
      If you want to test and provided said logset, pleased follow the instructions detailed in this post.

      • Bogeyof says:

        Sorry, you stated it clearly enough. I don´t want to get help for my issues, I only want to report that some others have SOD´s and Reboots too.
        I would have provided logs, but I had all debug logs off (also Logcat Daemon), and after the 3rd or 4th issue (when I decided to turn debug on and to provide logs) my system was broken and I decided to restore Backup and also to go back to V031. Logs from a broken system wouldn´t have been useful (I think), but I will test next Shinto version for sure and next time I will turn debug on and provide logs, if there would be any issues…
        I´m 30 years in software development and I wanted to sort out the possibility of my own “issues” (wrong settings, xposed modules, incompatible apps or something else) before I would provide logs and say it´s a kernel issue!

        Again many thanks for your amazing work and your quick answer!

        • iamskynet says:

          Thank you very much for your time and explanation.
          I always want to get to the bottom of these kind of issues and know what is going on.
          It can very well be a bug or something that triggers a specific code path that ends up causing some issues down the line.

    • russian tester says:

      u have to stop dynamic fsync, man.

      p.s. Awesome work, dev!! n1

  29. scv13 says:

    V40A02 support NTFS RW (otg)?

    • iamskynet says:

      It’s included and compiled in the kernel so it should but haven’t tested it.

      • scv13 says:

        I asked about this because in version v31a001 ntfs (otg) peripherals not working. Do not mount when connected.
        Another question, you can implement support for USB CD-rom (otg) devices?

  30. ocujos says:

    It’s a bit hard to navigate this page due to its size. Any chance of starting a new thread on a developer friendly site?

  31. Dieselford says:

    It seems if I leave my phone unattended for any length of time, I get SOD. Like it doesn’t want to wake from deep sleep or something. I just wanted to share my logs in hopes that I can get some guidance to hopefully resolve the issue. Thanks for your masterpiece anyway! I do enjoy thoroughly the experience that is Shinto!


  32. 6h0st says:

    My phone is getting really hot in games with precondition active. With interactive and msm-thermal it’s ok. 🙁
    Can anyone verify this? Or is just happening to me?

    • ocujos says:

      Precognition is a performance governor. Performance requires speed (CPU). Higher CPU clock generates more heat. It’s normal.
      If you don’t understand what PrecoGOV is about (i.e.you haven’t read OP) then pick a different governor.

  33. blekota says:

    im thinking its normaln and ok..
    with preco gov i too have poor batt life and hot phone under havy cpu load

  34. blekota says:

    now second day running without any issue on ver. 031, with conservative gov., perfect batt life, no SOD, no random restart or any problem

    so i recommend for xnote users ver 031; like someone here post this combination like nonproblematic.

    now im maximum satisfacted

    im going buy u few beers

  35. emuandco says:

    Funny experience here. When my phone (n9005) @ slightly modified HYPERDRIVE ROM 7.1 with a NFC fix SODs sometimes a day (mostly over night @ loading station) I force reboot and the colors are… very greenish. Another reboot and it’s fine again.

  36. Dragoninja says:

    Just to confirm, my SODs have gone since I flashed stock rom over my x-note 21. No more problems running on stock rooted xposed with this fantastic kernel. Great work dev!

  37. mo says:

    Zram fc’s
    Im on precog kernel
    Setting won’t stick after reboot

  38. Lisa says:

    What about dvfs disabler app, unistall also?

    • iamskynet says:

      Yes you can uninstall if you don’t use it.

      • universed says:

        Running v31 on latest Verdon of Tweaked. I have been unable to get screen mirroring to work on 2 separate Samsung Series 6 smart TVS. Does anyone have this function working and ais there anything I need to configure in Synapse to get this going?

      • Lisa says:

        My question is, isn’t recommended to uninstall it?

  39. binnns says:

    Followed setting suggestions in op. phone is so fast,just got a ticket from mobile police. lol.

  40. H28 says:

    I’m on N900T TWEAKED 3.95 ROM, this kernel version (latest) setting won’t stick, and the ZRam force closes. Nothing was tweaked, left it in precog. All was well with version n900t-v030a003.
    This is a great Kernel, would like to see the stability back. Keep up the hard work!

  41. Mofree says:

    I too. am on Tweaked 3.95 and have experienced multiple SODs with the latest v40a01/02 versions. I made sure to untick dynamic Fsync, intelli-hotplug, touchboost, etc and pretty much kept everything else stock in Synapse. The SODs kept reccuring and I decided to revert to V31, but I missed the snappiness of V40. After reading everyone’s comment here, I elected to delete dvfs disabler and zram apps from my phone and also cleared synapse data before installing V40a02 once again.
    It’s been 24 hours and not a single hiccup since installing. Thanks dev for your hard work and dedication to this wonderful kernel!

    • friedCELLS says:

      I also had 1 reboot that I know of and 4 SOD’s on the first day that I installed Shinto. Didn’t change any settings. No other kernel interfering apps. The next day, I installed trickster to force all cores on PrecogGov. SOD’s kept happening. I had come from Lollipop to try this kernel so I wanted to give it the best chance possible to work. So I had completely formatted my phone, wiped every last thing including internal storage. Then I installed stock T-Mo ROM and this kernel. And still too many SOD’s to be usable. I had disabled all logging because it said “confirmed to be fast and stable” on my phone so why do I need that? But I really needed a working phone anyway, so didn’t have time to wait for more SOD’s to get logs. Back to Lolli. Thanks for hard work. Hope you get all these exciting things to be stable.

      • friedCELLS says:

        Just a quick question. In the OP, it says that the kernel uses it’s own special init.d that survives wipes and even formats. I know that if I flash a new kernel, should be fine, but won’t there be remnants of this one no matter what based on that info? If it has settings that survive formats, then how do I make sure I’ve removed it?

  42. Eric says:

    Hi, I can’t help but notice that airview is forced enabled by default. I understand that this is the logic used by PreCogGov in order to preempt actions. However, this results to sometimes annoying “finger-over” actions (specially during web browsing). This was basically the reason I only enabled pen-only for airview. On top of that there are apps (retroarch in particular) that registers the “finger-over” as inputs which makes the app virtually unusable. Is there a way, maybe that the kernel registers these inputs without android receiving them? Just my two cents.

  43. j3n5t says:

    Will Shin To support 5.0 anytime in the future?

  44. derride8 says:

    Will there be an update kernel for kitkat?