[RELEASE] ShinTo Kernel “SecondReality” V40A01

[ Enhancements included in ShinTo Kernel ]

–== ShadowLED ==–

By linking the Note 3’s RGB LED to the different activities of the OS, we can know in real time what is going on, even when the screen is off, and the phone is seemingly “deep sleeping”.The brightness of the led light is proportional to the instant workload; the brighter the color, the higher the workload.

BLUE:    All things related to WIFI networking activity [Upload/Download].
GREEN: All things related to internal “SD” (MMC0) activity [Read/Write].
RED:     All things related to external “SD” (MMC1) activity [Read/Write].

You can disable ShadowLED if you go to ShinTo Features in Synapse app.

 –== UKSM ==– 

UKSM by KernelDedupe.org is a state of the art intelligent memory management system that achieves great ram saves by using two techniques:

(1) ZeroPages

When we launch an app, most of the time the app will allocate more (or a lot more) memory than it really needs. The extra memory is allocated exclusively, zeroed and sits idle till the app decides to use it.
That could happen sometime in the future or never…

ShinTo’s UKSM kernel service detects these kind of “ZeroPages” and intelligently remaps them to the ZeroPage manager and then frees those pages of ram.
Once the process really asks for these “ZeroPages”, the ZeroPage manager takes care of everything.
All this is transparent to the normal user’s workflow and it doesn’t affect performance or battery life.

As a matter of fact it might enhance battery life and performance as a lot more can fit in ram so there’s less wasted time and energy fetching data from SD (MMC0).
That should also help with multitasking fluidity.

My daily workflow can see up to 400Mb of ZeroPages, which means about 400Mb of ram saved and allocated to running processes that need them.

(2) SamePageMerge

There are some processes that create many copies of the same memory contents (same pages).
Some of these (same page) content’s never change so it is a waste of memory.
One clear example could be a web browser.

ShinTo’s SamePageMerge manager detects these identical pages and “merges” them, so they only occupy one page instead of many.
If a process needs to change the contents of one of these “identical” pages, the SamePageMerge manager detects that and takes care of everything.
All this is transparent and seamless, with no performance or battery penalty.

I routinely hit about 50.000 pages (around 200Mb saved) (50.000 * 4k) and have hit about 90.000 pages with heavy loads.

To disable UKSM you need to issue the following command with root :
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/mm/uksm/run

To know more about UKSM.

–== DriveDroid ==–

DriveDroidDriveDroid allows you to boot your PC from ISO/IMG files stored on your phone. This is ideal for trying Linux distributions or always having a rescue-system on the go… without the need to burn different CDs or USB pendrives.

ShinTo Kernel includes the necessary patch and functionality to be able to switch from CD to USB mode, so you could create rescue USB keys directly on the mounted image in DriveDroid.
For people that are in the tech support and have to reinstall different operating systems or boot recovery cds, it is a godsend as they don’t need to have different usb keys, cd, dvd, etc…

It’s a great tool and I recommend everyone to check it!!!

To know more about DriveDroid | DriveDroid XDA Forum

  –== Fix / Performance Enhancement / NEW STUFF ==–

This new release of ShinTo Kernel includes the following :

  • PrecoGOV v0.9 : Welcome to a new experience in the way to manage your hardware thanks to Precognition Governor “PrecoGOV”. Please read the following article to know more about PrecoGOV.
  • You NEED TO SELECT PrecoGOV as your default governor to enjoy all the benefits that it brings. As a matter of fact, ShinTo Kernel won’t work to it’s full potential without PrecoGOV as it’s default governor.
  • A long list of enhancements to L2, CPU, DeepSleep and battery to make it perform even better than before all while trying to save as much battery as possible.
  • Many bug fixes and updates for F2FS, scheduler, Synapse, etc…

It is compiled with latest available LINARO Toolchain GCC 4.9.3 compiled by the great Christopher83

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25 Responses

  1. Alexander Wolf says:

    Any chance we will see this kernel functioning with N9005 running the leaked Lollipop build? Much appreciated for your work, loved it on 4.4.2, but Lolli is so much smoother and with more options that I would rather not go back to KK…

  2. Alexander says:

    I love to see the precogGov developing…. Good work! Keep it up!!!

    • iamskynet says:

      Thank you!; PrecoGOV will develop into much more than what it is now and as soon as Samsung drops LP Kernel sources, I’ll start porting over and releasing a ShinTo LP Kernel.

  3. bassini says:

    PrecogGOV is precognition yes ?

  4. eric says:

    Can you confirm that CIFS support was removed in this version?

  5. bins says:

    This kernel is amazing my phone flies.thank you

  6. binnns says:

    This kernel is amazing very fast and smooth.thank you for sharing your talent.

    • iamskynet says:

      There will be a lot more exciting and exclusive stuff for the Note3 ….This phone is a beast and can do soooo much more than it is currently doing!

  7. Ghost says:

    Is there a way to UV by script/terminal command?
    If there is can you please tell me how?
    I’m not using Synapse or any other app to configure your kernel, so it would be awesome to be able to UV by script.

  8. J. Terrell says:

    Great release. This kernel is kicking ass! Buttery smooth and it sleeps better than a baby. Many thank yous for your amazing work.

    • iamskynet says:

      Thank you!
      Stick around as V40A02 should be release anytime soon and it should be a LOT better than V40A01 😉

      • 6h0st says:

        This kernel is far better than any other I’ve tested so far. Can’t wait to see the next version.
        (PS: Didn’t find anything about good UV with scripts from Google, if anybody knows or find something about Undervolting Note 3 with scripts please let me know here, if anyone else is interested, or at [email protected].)
        Keep up the ShinTo way! 😉

  9. 6h0st says:

    I have a stupid question now…
    What’s the point of having 268,8 mhz CPU frequency if it consumes 750mv like 300 mhz frequency? Shouldn’t it be set to a lower step like 730 or 740 as default at least?

    • iamskynet says:

      Well… It depends on each and everyone to experiment.
      I have been running 268 @ 630mV for months without issues… 😉

      PS: If you overclock or undervolt and you have issues, it will be up to you to sort them out.

  10. smaiarif says:

    Any support for 5.1.1 tw roms

    • CeKMTL says:

      Yep…. You should use the Great DARKERA13 5.1.1 rom for when ShinTo Kernel will be available openly.
      ShinTo Kernel is now in private closed beta in the 5.1.1 Spanish rom by Danivancouver and will be released sometime this coming week.

      Among other things ShinTo Kernel solves the video camera flicker.

      Stay tuned for more in my twitter account.