[RELEASE] ShinTo Kernel v30a003

[ Enhancements included in ShinTo Kernel ]

–== ShadowLED ==–

By linking the Note 3’s RGB LED to the different activities of the OS, we can know in real time what is going on, even when the screen is off, and the phone is seemingly “deep sleeping”.The brightness of the led light is proportional to the instant workload; the brighter the color, the higher the workload.

BLUE:    All things related to WIFI networking activity [Upload/Download].
GREEN: All things related to internal “SD” (MMC0) activity [Read/Write].
RED:     All things related to external “SD” (MMC1) activity [Read/Write].

You can disable ShadowLED if you go to ShinTo Features in Synapse app.

–== ZRam ==–

RAM is a precious resource that we can never have enough.
ShinTo Kernel uses state of the art functionality to intelligently manage and optimize RAM for peak performance.

Our NOTE 3’s, running Samsung’s Android Kit Kat (4.4.2), have a huge amount of background apps and services that, most of the time, sit idle waiting for some event to fire.
All these background apps and services are sapping precious RAM, and some will never do anything.

ShinTo Kernel uses ZRam very moderately (only 256Mb) to compress sleeping background processes and apps to free precious RAM for other interactive processes (the ones most important to YOU).
The compression ratio achieved is at least 3:1 (256->85) and up to 4:1 (256->65) while not affecting performance or battery at all, as the size of the compressed RAM is only 256Mb (do not go above that!).

Some people would argue that there’s no need for this as we have plenty of ram but from my experience with ShinTo Kernel, the more “free” ram, the more apps you can have in ram, even if they are not currently active and this amounts to a better multitasking and more fluidity.

The final argument is that even Google have activated ZRam in their Android and Chrome OS.

I have included a very nice, simple and clean app called “ZRAM Status

You can disable ShadowLED if you go to ShinTo Features in Synapse app.

To know more about ZRam

 –== UKSM ==– 

UKSM by KernelDedupe.org is a state of the art intelligent memory management system that achieves great ram saves by using two techniques:

(1) ZeroPages

When we launch an app, most of the time the app will allocate more (or a lot more) memory than it really needs. The extra memory is allocated exclusively, zeroed and sits idle till the app decides to use it.
That could happen sometime in the future or never…

ShinTo’s UKSM kernel service detects these kind of “ZeroPages” and intelligently remaps them to the ZeroPage manager and then frees those pages of ram.
Once the process really asks for these “ZeroPages”, the ZeroPage manager takes care of everything.
All this is transparent to the normal user’s workflow and it doesn’t affect performance or battery life.

As a matter of fact it might enhance battery life and performance as a lot more can fit in ram so there’s less wasted time and energy fetching data from SD (MMC0).
That should also help with multitasking fluidity.

My daily workflow can see up to 400Mb of ZeroPages, which means about 400Mb of ram saved and allocated to running processes that need them.

(2) SamePageMerge

There are some processes that create many copies of the same memory contents (same pages).
Some of these (same page) content’s never change so it is a waste of memory.
One clear example could be a web browser.

ShinTo’s SamePageMerge manager detects these identical pages and “merges” them, so they only occupy one page instead of many.
If a process needs to change the contents of one of these “identical” pages, the SamePageMerge manager detects that and takes care of everything.
All this is transparent and seamless, with no performance or battery penalty.

I routinely hit about 50.000 pages (around 200Mb saved) (50.000 * 4k) and have hit about 90.000 pages with heavy loads.

To disable UKSM you need to issue the following command with root :
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/mm/uksm/run

To know more about UKSM.

–== DriveDroid ==–

DriveDroidDriveDroid allows you to boot your PC from ISO/IMG files stored on your phone. This is ideal for trying Linux distributions or always having a rescue-system on the go… without the need to burn different CDs or USB pendrives.

ShinTo Kernel includes the necessary patch and functionality to be able to switch from CD to USB mode, so you could create rescue USB keys directly on the mounted image in DriveDroid.
For people that are in the tech support and have to reinstall different operating systems or boot recovery cds, it is a godsend as they don’t need to have different usb keys, cd, dvd, etc…

It’s a great tool and I recommend everyone to check it!!!

To know more about DriveDroid | DriveDroid XDA Forum

  –== Fix / Performance Enhancement Patches / NEW STUFF ==–

This new release of ShinTo Kernel includes the following :

  • Own boot up “init.d” system: that doesn’t touch your init.d folder in any way and can survive flashes, formats, backups, restores, etc. It gives you the ease & flexibility of choosing what to enable/disable from the comfort of Synapse.
  • Hardened resiliency to internal crashes: that allows ShinTo Kernel to continue in the face of adversity, even if some part crashed. It will try to recover/continue till it can’t anymore.
  • Impervious to MODEM/BASEBAND crashes: if the modem subsystem crashes, ShinTo Kernel will NOT crash but instead will slap the modem for it’s rude behaviour by rebooting it and continue as if nothing happened. Recovery time from crash to online is around 1 second, so you might not even notice it ever happened.
  • Enhanced all the Note3 sensor’s reaction times: Should theoretically enhance any program that depends on sensors.
  • Enhanced general performance of code thanks to more aggressive compiler flags and specific fine tuning on a per device level (GPU subsystem for example).
  • Enhanced sleep by leveraging an adapted and finely tuned freeze/suspend mechanism and analysing other code that might interfere with it.
    I am achieving a freeze/suspend success ratio of 97-98%, so it means the phone has more chances to actually sleep.
  • An all new CLAMPING mechanism to make sure that stray & unauthorised frequency changes don’t happen behind your back unless you authorise them.
  • FIXED boot charge animation; now it will work regardless of the filesystem you use.
  • (should be) FIXED permissions problems: for some of you when using ext4/f2fs with internal sdcard. (Need confirmation from the ppl that have the issue).
  • Synapse enhancements/tweaks/updates : have a look there to see the new stuff.
  • Other stuff I have forgotten and can’t remember right now xDDD
  • GIFT/SURPRISE #1 : LiKWiD video playback.
    Say goodbye to video stutters as now any video plays liquid smooth with a perfect frame rate, with a low cpu usage. It doesn’t matter if it is low res or 4K, it will play smooth as butter if the source has been encoded correctly.
    (Facebook needs to improve their in app player and browser).
  • GIFT/SURPRISE #2 : eXpanD Speaker Stereo Sound.
    Hello Stereo!! Now your Note3 will play videos & music in true stereo sound by using both the ear piece and the speaker. Balance levels have been finely tuned to give a great stereo image. You can still use normal speakerphone when in voice/voip calls. Disable/Enable from within Synapse. (I take no responsibility if you blow your speakers by trying to use insane amplification so PLEASE don’t go crazy with the volume!!!)
  • GIFT/SURPRISE #3 : Precognition Governor (AlphA) sneak peak.
    I wanted to let you get a feel of the work in progress. Right now PrecoGov can sense that you are going to interact with your Note3 & react BEFORE you even touch or do anything. It also self adjusts in a dynamic way to it’s environment and tries to save battery while giving MAXIMUM performance where it counts and is more important to you.
    Please disable all other touchboost and frequency boosting if you will use PrecoGov as there’s no need for them and they actually do more harm than good.
    Please also bear in mind that fluidity has it’s price & now, your Android OS & UI won’t be starved to death like with other governors. With time you should see all the available frequency steps being used.

It is compiled with latest available LINARO Toolchain GCC 4.9.3 compiled by the great Christopher83

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34 Responses

  1. mat9v says:

    Won’t mount /system on F2FS volume. Tried that twice. Went back to 002 version and all works well.

    • iamskynet says:

      Yes, there seems to be an issue with that.
      Am recovering nandroid and retesting again with logs to see what is going on.
      Thx for reporting and apologies for the inconvenience.


  2. Yoann says:

    I had an issue with Synapse, I have the message : No UCI support detected, with previous version of kernel no prob.

    • iamskynet says:

      All those having issues with Synapse, try the following and report back:
      1) Go to your SUPERSU app, locate Synapse, tap on it and hit forget.
      2) KILL Synapse.
      3) Launch Synapse again, SuperSU popup will appear, grant ROOT permission to Synapse.
      4) Check to see if it works or not.
      5) Report back.
      Thank you.

      • iamskynet says:

        If that fails please try this and report back :
        Goto settings/General/Application Manager/Synapse ->”FORCE STOP” & then “CLEAR DATA”.

  3. Ezaechiel says:

    Hello, did someone have some issue with GPS Fix? I can’t find any GPS using Sygic under Shintô but no problem with stock kernel, so maybe it’s hazard but if someone else have this issue maybe it could be kernel relative ? Can’t be sure on my own.

    • iamskynet says:

      Weird… I haven’t used the GPS in about 4 days.
      Launched just now “GPS Status” and it took about 10 seconds to have a lock with about 12/21 sats…?
      Can you try with “GPS Status”, leave it for a few seconds and check if there’s activity and how many satellites it thinks it can see.?
      Please report back.
      Thank you.

      • Ezaechiel says:

        That’s very weird, I tried GPS Status and no problem I had 14/20 sats but no GPS fix on Sygic and Maps, will try again and will get you feedback.

        • iamskynet says:

          Wow… hummmm.
          Well at least we know that GPS IS working but there’s an issue with these two apps trying to access the gps service.
          I don’t have Sygic to test but with latest available google maps i got a fix on my position in about 10 seconds…
          GPS Status has an option to show on status bar when the gps is being accessed. Please activate that and also make sure that in gps settings you have granted permission to google maps to use the gps.
          Let me know how it goes please.

          PS: One last thing to try is the following:
          Goto settings/General/Application Manager/Maps ->”FORCE STOP” & then “CLEAR DATA”.
          Maps should redownload data and settings, so make sure you have wifi just in case.

  4. mat9v says:

    If all outstanding issues has been fixed, does it mean I should re-download 003 version (fixed one?) or just wait for 004?

    • iamskynet says:

      Well, up to you, but if you want to avail of the fixes then yes.
      Still fixing some minor stuff, soI would advise to wait a few hours for the new version to be installed.

  5. mat9v says:

    Re-downloaded 003v824 and it happily works on F2FS. For that, thank you 🙂 Now, you mentioned that using precog governor is best with disabled Boosts – should I just disable them in Synapse or any additional action is required?
    Also, is there any performance advantage in having /cache as F2FS and which recovery allows it to be formatted as such?
    Forgetting SuperSU permission for Synapse fixed “no UHCI support” error.

    • iamskynet says:

      Glad to hear that.
      Well… Cache gets seldomly written to as a matter of fact with TW rom… Just when doing some OTA. So not the hassle to format it.
      Change settings in Synapse for PrecoGov. Next version I will try to automate that so you won’t have to bother with it.

      I am recoding my stuff to make sure it runs on any rom even if they are in bad shape or don’t have busybox properly installed, etc so expect a new build soon.

  6. Ezaechiel says:

    No more problem with GPS, sorry for inconvenience 🙂

    • iamskynet says:

      What was the issue and what did you do to fix it?
      Thank you for your time and for reporting it.

      • Ezaechiel says:

        The problem was only with GPS navigation apps, I reinstalled stock kernel, try sygic, it worked, reinstall shintô and that was fixed :-), maybe a problem with GPS localization.

  7. mat9v says:

    I have three interesting futures to ask for 🙂 One would be to disable the “after 10 minutes fallback to usb 2.0 from usb 3.0 connection” and another would be to set defult connection mode as usb 3.0 instead of usb 2.0 if the user so chooses. Both would be very welcome for both faster data transfer and DriveDroid. The last would be fiddling with 5 minutes recording limit for 4K videos (it is not a limitation of write speed for internal memory), is that some kind of limit for cpu throttling and resulting frame dropping?

    • kevp75 says:

      The 4k video thing could very well be a space issue.
      See, exFat, and Fat32 (which is essentially what our internal storage is reported as) has a file size limitation of 4.xG, so if a 4k video comes close to or exceeds that, you wont get more than the 5 minutes.

      I know 1080 video is huge when I shoot it, so I image 4k would be even bigger

      • iamskynet says:

        I’m sure there’s more to it for that 4k video limit thing. Maybe I’ll have a look some day to trace the logical flow driver->software…

  8. kevp75 says:

    You rock dude!
    My beast hasn’t felt this snappy!

    I’m back on a true Note3 Rom now, and all I can say is WOW

    I fling, no stutter! 😀

  9. s1mp3 says:

    On my N9005 everything works well until second speaker is enabled. Then everything slows down, and music apps stops working. I’m on X-Note 21 ROM with Lean kernel. Any ideas why?

    • iamskynet says:

      Well if you are on xnote and lean kernel and have this issue then go ask them.

      • s1mp3 says:

        You right, I’m sorry 🙁
        I would really like to use this kernel and all of the features that it has.
        Could you recommend which ROM to use?

  10. guaneet says:

    could you possibly look into “bioshock” gov whenever you have the chance 🙂
    thanks for your work

  11. kakahoho says:

    I try convert to F2FS but got a problem.
    Restore System partition always get failed at the end.
    I see the system partition size decrease 200mb after convert to f2fs and don’t have enough space to restore.
    I’m using S5 ROM port.
    Anyway, thanks for good kernel.

    • iamskynet says:

      It’s already been covered and discussed.
      F2FS needs around 200mb of free space to do its thing.
      Once you free that minimum space you will be able to restore just fine.
      You welcome!

  12. s1mp3 says:

    Tried a few ROM’s with no luck. Phone doesn’t boot after installing kernel. Can the problem be with NJ2 bootloader or modem? Thank’s!

  13. BryanD says:

    hi i have the same problem of s1mp3, i have tried to re-download few times your kernel and the phone want boot. i have the n9005, with rom g00h and ael kernel and i really want to much try your kernel but i cant! what i can do?!

  14. BryanD says:

    awesome!!! thanks a lot i go to flash and try!! best regards from italy !