Traveling the world

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to let you know what has been happening lately at

In two months I have moved twice across Europe. As you can all imagine, this has posed some interesting challenges to keep the ShinTo Kernel releases and site updated.

I would like to thank all my friends that have invited me to their homes to use (and abuse) their wifis, the nice gym where I worked out (and their very decent wifi) and other public means to get connected.

A lot of times I had to rely on my Note3 to release news and stuff over 3G and time and time again it proved to be a powerful and convenient monster of a computer or as an Access Point!!!

I am getting settled in my new home and am hoping today I will finally have decent internet once again (cable 60Mbps) after more than two months of “roaming” 🙂

If all goes according to plan (Murphy willing…), I should be on full production starting next week so expect a lot of new and exciting releases from 😀

I would like to THANK ALL of YOU! for visiting regularly and showing me that there are a lot of people that really do care about all these scifi crazy ideas and advancements; soon you can expect a lot more!!!

Also, a special THANK YOU to my BetaTesters that silently check my releases in the background and suggest new additions; without your drive and passion, ShinTo would just be …another kernel…

Keep dreaming BiG, be passionate about what you believe in and never give up!

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2 Responses

  1. iamskynet says:

    Sadly Friday went by and I still have no Internet at home… :'(

    Provider promised to have it installed on Monday…

  2. iamskynet says:

    I am finally connected to the MATRIX by a decent speed broadband connection!!!
    YAAAAY! 60/6 Mbps …
    (I almost cried of excitement…) 😀

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